Quincy Quarry News institutes a check for its approved commenters!


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– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added


Quincy Quarry News follows the lead of Twitter’s Chief Twit and so imposes the Quarry’s take on certifying commenters to its stories.

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Don’t like today’s proposal? Let me get back to you!
A Jim Watson/AFP/TechCrunch collage

Unlike the for a day two color-coded verified checks Twitter™ offered to some of its users, the Quarry is adding simple checks to the handles of the commenters to Quincy Quarry News stories that the Quarry views to probably be reliable enough as far as social media is concerned.

Even better, unlike the recent as well as also ever fluid changes made by the Chief Twit, Quincy Quarry does not charge a monthly service charge to those who score a check.

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So much for keeping things secret …
An Ashley Madison® advertisement

After all, its not like the Quarry’s student interns spend a lot of effort to vet a commenters nor is the Quincy Quarry News going to unleash its investigation resources upon your basic commenters.

Certain prominent figures, however, should be nervous about the Quarry’s investigative abilities.

Very nervous.

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