Black ski mask wearing protesters risk Houghs Neck justice
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
A Quincy Quarry News Citizen Photojournalist risked personal safety last weekend to score a smartphone image of a number of black ski mask wearing white folk. Those so photographed are apparently Nationalist Social Club 131 (“NSC-131”) members who had gathered near the site of the alleged video mom’s joining in on a beatdown of a pre-teen girl last month.
The assumed to be NSC-131 members also protested in front of the Quincy Police Headquarters.

So what for the fact that such picketing would be better done in front of the courthouse …
Image via an NCS-131 Facebook page
Their purported reason for coming to Quincy was to call for the video mom to have hate crime charges added to her indictment for assault and battery with a deadly weapon and related charges over her apparently self-videoed beatdown of a twelve year old girl who other reports indicate has long been subjected to bullying by one of the video mom’s daughters.
While one can fathom the possibility of hate crime charges end up filed, processing the alleged beatdown mom has only just begun in the court system and thus the final verdict as well as on what remains to be seen.
In the meanwhile, not only are NSC-131 more generic hateful messages troubling, they are also darkly reminiscent of hate-filled bed sheet-wearing cross burners who preached White Power as well as did even worse in the wake of the Civil War as well as for many decades thereafter.

Warning: Googling the meaning of “FAFO” is NSFW
An NSC-131 image
Further troubling is how not only did the Quincy Police lay off on dealing with this so-called club’s ” so-called protests, but also so did the South Shore broadsheet and the weekly Quincy tabloid have failed to report on the video mom’s alleged participating in the purported beatdown as well as now this clear show of racists trying to feign not being racists by foisting their dubious call for equal treatment in court.

A White Separatist, if not also Supremacist message
Via an NSC-131 Facebook site
Granted, one can appreciate how not giving NSC-131 any media coverage has some merit as such attention only encourages them, reporting the news is still the only right thing to do.
Further, while one can only assume that while Nekkers are Nekkers, NSC-131 members are still likely risking ugly if they ever again darken the Neck with their presence.
After all, Nekkers prefer taking care of things in their hood on their own.
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When you think the scumbags running the city can’t get any lower – they do!
The fact that the Quincy Police did not charge Norris with a hate crime – is a crime.
Mayor Koch and Chief Keenen are cowards!
Keenen should be charged with a hate crime for not prosecuting the victim’s assailants to the fullest extent of the law.
Family of Five:
And then Koch and his brother in law Chief Keenan sunk even lower by chickening out to a small group of hate mongers hiding behind masks, if not also tacitly endorsing their hatred.
Even mask-wearing hate-mongers are right sometimes!
Family of Five,
And some reports have it that Hitler liked children and dogs. Unclear, however, if they liked him in return.
Reality, NSC-131 is gaming their hateful agenda. After all, why else are they cowardly hiding behind masks?
You need to find a real job because u are a horrible reporter and person. It’s not about White supremacy, it’s about equality
Mr. Cannata,
If Cannata really is your surname, I do not know you and thus can only properly assume that you do not know me.
Next, your writing isn’t exactly aces either and all you offered up was but a quick two sentence post.
And just how is this message on the back of a shirt posted on a NSC-131 Facebook page NOT a clear sign of racism: “New England is ours. The rest must go”?
Finally, why wear masks? As ugly on the outside as inside?
So the Quincy police prosecutor took a knee. Disgraceful.
Dr Dale,
In fairness, so too did the South Shore Broadsheet and local weekly tabloid for FAILING to cover the alleged beatdown of a twelve year-old girl and now also not reporting on these mask-wearing clowns coming to the Q — cowards ALL.
Spot on! Luckily, the Quincy Quarry has a big set of stones! Well done!
Quincy doesn’t need these racist scumbags marching around — they’re so ashamed of themselves (as they should be) they won’t even show their faces. Might as well be wearing white hoods.
How Norris should be charged is an entirely different issue than what these dirtbags are representing.
I saw the video, and it is unimaginable that Ms. Norris was not charged with a hate crime. In yet another case, the Quincy police put self-serving politics before justice for the victim. The poorly thought-out decision not to prosecute Ms. Norris on hate crime charges left the door open wide open for groups like this to bring hate to Quincy – regardless of the victim’s race.
With all deserved respect Father, adjudicating things is still early in the works and thus more charges could be added.
At the same time, while offering no defense for local police standing down over the weekend, prosecutors prefer to go with highly likely to prevail at trial charges as stretches tend to undermine securing convictions. Prosecutors also prefer to strike plea deals than go to trial — bird in the hand, etc.
Further, the insanity of the whole sorry story suggests that perhaps a different addressing of things might be in order.
The problem in the meanwhile as far as the general public is concerned is that silence by officials is only begetting hot talk and worse.
If the mother was white and the child black, hate crime charges would be a no-brainer. Funny how this works. F the police!
a) These “cowards” are the only ones standing up and speaking out for justice.
b) “trying to feign not being racist”… They feign nothing, you stooge.
c) They wear masks because people would happily ruin their lives and those of their families over their advocacy.
d) Do you not understand the Constitution, not enjoy the Constitution, or both?
You one of ’em, Hanky
A) Quincy Quarry News is all for the responsible exercise of Free Speech, including letting fools make fools of themselves. At the same time, the Quarry and many others have no respect whatsoever for those who spew ill-disguised hate speech while hiding behind masks and are stuck with going with Gab to stage an online presence as mainline social media have duly kicked you all to the curb.
B) No argument, feign was being generous. After all the NSC-131 Gab posed T shirt message “: “New England is ours. The rest must go” is indisputably racist.
C) Actually, more like wear masks so as to hope to be stymie law enforcement from making participants. After, video greatly helped take down over 800 January 6th participants to date and who included NSC-131 members.
D) Finally, for some funny reason I suspect that your so-called understanding of the Constitution is such that even strict constructionists would find it, well, curious — down a rabbit hole curious.
I see all these comments about these guys wearing masks, why does that overshadow their message?…had we lived in a just world, these feral blacks would also be charged with hate crimes, but they almost never are…had the system served justice in the first place, these guys wouldnt have a need to be in Quincy. BLM would use the same opportunity to voice their “injustice”.
This seems to be a peaceful protest to me other than the guy on Charles St. who confronted these guys with a pair of scissors, guess he doesn’t believe that the 1st amendment applies to ALL Americans.
Looks like the BS machine is in high gear.
“. . . had we lived in a just world, these feral blacks would also be charged with hate crimes, but they almost never are . . . ”
And those clowns have no “NEED” to be anywhere spewing their racist crap.
Tell us, Earl — you one of ’em, too?
Mr. Turner,
Misbelieve as you do, hiding behind a mask tends to undercut the message, especially one rife with thinly disguised racism.
Next, the case has yet to go to trial and thus who only knows what will be the final roster of charges when things might head into court, much less the verdict(s) on same unless the alleged perp pleads out to lesser charges and is usually the case in criminal matters.
Oh and before you label pleading out as a failing of the criminal court system, you need to appreciate how prosecutors have to make decisions on what charges they think they can win and those they suspect they cannot, among other considerations. Like it but probably not, it is was it is as well as be sure to note that the status quo may work out for you down the road.
Finally, thank you for tacitly confirming your involvement with the recent NSC-131 rolling protest in Quincy. That and so concurrently making your IP address amenable to subpoena.
Undercharging Norris only puts her kids and the public at greater risk.
No argument, undercharging poses issues.
At the same time, we have no clue what prosecutors are planning and this is arguably a bigger problem.
No information notwithstanding, the odds are that in the meanwhile DCF has already pulled custody of her two daughters and placed them with a responsible family member or into foster care.
Net/net, the alleged beatdown video mom is surely already facing all manner of problems with more surely to follow.