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His biggest lie of all
An old Facebook selfie

Pinocchio Walkbacker has shoveled the biggest pile of bovine byproduct in the professional career and which is second only to the biggest charade in his private life.

Part Three in a all but assured be a ongoing series, if not also long ongoing series, of  highly likely to be embarrassing exposés

How high was Pinocchio’s shoveling it?

Deep as well as pervasively.

In short, Pinocchio foisted a false narrative that the Massachusetts Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (“PERAC”) had found but one misdeed by the City of Quincy Informational Technology Department and the Quincy Retirement Board.

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Piled high
A San José Mercury News image

“PERAC’s thorough report is a damming condemnation of the private firms hired to protect the investments of our retirees. It includes a laundry list of red flags that should have prevented this transaction from ever taking place, leading to what without question was a systemic failure. I’m aware of the single item in the report critical of the City for not immediately shutting down an e-mail address when our IT Department was not asked to do anything outside of normal policy, and it is well taken and will be corrected. But it pales in comparison to the utter, gross negligence perpetrated on our retirement system so well articulated by PERAC’s report.”

Walkbacker’s assertions are fraught with claptrap. 

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A Four Pinocchios whopper
A Glenn Kesler/Washington Post graphic

In fact, his comments rate Four Pinnochios per the Washington Post Fact Checker scale.

Granted, PERAC did slam the City of Quincy and Quincy Retirement Board for failing to shutdown the email account of the former head of the the retirement board when she left the job roughly two months before the likely Nigerian cyber grifters pulled off a $3.5 million heist via a Business Email Compromise cyberheist in February of 2021.

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The City of Quincy Police Department cyber heist investigators and other bumbling city officials
An old Columbia Pictures image

Moreover, the head of PERAC further noted during an interview that “(t)his was a combination of lack of controls, but also human error, failure to just not put enough diligence into the roles of each of the parties that were involved in the transaction.”

For but one example from among all manner of Q-ups by Quincy peeps, between the time of the cyber heist and its discovery eight months later, PERAC stripped control of the city employees’pension fund from the Quincy Retirement Board because the board’s books were a sorry mess and such thus surely helped facilitate the cyberheisters’ $3.5 million grift as well as greatly delayed discovering the heist for eight months until after a colonoscopy grade audit of the retirement board’s books was undertaken.

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“What a bunch of ‘maroons’ …”
A Paramount Television image

Granted, for complex reasons to be addressed at another time by Quincy Quarry, various laws and other sorts of regulations suggest that the Quincy Retirement Board might be eventually be made at least partially whole even if the cyber heisters are never be brought to justice, such would be better viewed as how women, children and idiots are typically protected from mistakes of their own misdoing.

Source: Commission report blasts Quincy, others for $3.5M pension theft

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