Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A slow week, even for the T
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A slow week, even for the T.
In fact, as well as most surprisingly, especially at the T …
In any event, slow weeks happen, especially after an extended run of seriously tumultuous weeks.
Even so, things still come back to haunt in ways especially unexpected as well as just when everyone might think that it is safe to go back in the water..
Up to one’s knees anyway..
This week’s unexpected dark turn of events?
Just as the MBTA’s closure of the D Line of the Green Line for a major maintenance makeover got off to a so far uneventful start on the first of its three nine days long runs of bus shuttle given rail service suspensions to accommodate a major maintenance makeover, this past Monday things went off the tracks.
What went off the tracks was the Braintree branch of the Red Line.
Rail service was shutdown for most of the day light hours given an apparent double suicide via a third rail electrocution just a tad north of Quincy’s Wollaston Station.
Needless to say, no one saw this tragedy coming and thus one can only wonder, if not also worry, when and what breaking badly bad news© is going to break next.
In any event, when bad news does break, Quincy Quarry New’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to exposé it via its unique way of covering the news whatever next breaks badly, especially when the Koch Maladministration is in the Quarry’s cross-hairs.

“Three Little Beers”
An old Columbia Pictures image
In the meanwhile, the weather has been lovely so far this week.
Play golf kinda weather.
Near perfect play golf kinda weather.
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