Minor bus shuttle fender bender during first Orange Line bus bridge workday commute
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

“The goddamn drones are blocking me from getting a good shot!”
Quincy Quarry News’ newscopter flying low and slow …
Massive regional media scrutiny notwithstanding, the most that such could score in the way of breaking badly bad news© on the first workweek day commute relying on an unprecedented level of substitute bus bridge shuttle service was but a minor fender bender.
The whole of the Orange Line and Green Line service north of Government Center out of service for a projected month for major makeovers notwithstanding, the only known incident on Monday was a widely reported minor fender bender between a charter bus and a box truck around noon on Monday near the Orange Line’s Wellington Station.
Accordingly, field reporters thus had to endeavor to score kvetchings from commuters looking to score fifteen seconds of fame via the nightly news so as to fill up air time.
Reality, at least as was obvious to Quincy Quarry News, the MBTA has considerable experience operating substitute bus shuttle service given all manner of reconstruction projects and especially care of accidents with such practice thus making for at least close to tolerable.
Smooth enough Weekday One notwithstanding, both officials and the media continue to talk up the potential for trouble and thus locals should endeavor head out the door earlier than usual as well as not opt to rely on private vehicles if possible.
Reasons why include that potential problems touted by fearmongers include how care of the COVID pandemic that many work from home on Mondays and thus today might go south on commuters when these peeps might have to travel to do some work not to be done at home.
And on the longer term, these same trash talkers keep talking up the potential for trouble when students return to school in coming weeks.
In other words, it would appear the conspiracy theory that MBTA, state, and local officials are endeavoring to foist a cynical manner of expectations management may have at least some merit.
“… trolling” the populace, in effect making things more difficult than they need to be as a form of payback for our endless scorn.
I don’t think so. What the T really is doing with the Orange Line closure is practicing clever expectations management: … 4
— QuincyQuarry (@QuincyQuarry) August 20, 2022
In turn, one can only wonder how long such a plan might last before the public tires of listening to the cackling of Chicken Little and so give rise to carmagedon as opposed to ending up as the entrée.
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