Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Burn Baby Burn!
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Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Burn Baby Burn!
It has been a rough week for the MBTA even by its lowly standards.
First up, earlier this week Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak jointly announced that Orange Line rail service would be shutdown for a (projected, ed.) month so as to endeavor a major maintenance makeover.
Granted. substitute bus bridge service is planned; however, this option quickly became a potently dangerous one given subsequent breaking badly bad news©.
Specifically, that an MBTA bus burst into flames at Forest Hills MBTA busyard adjacent to the southern terminus of the Orange Line.
Further troubling, an MBTA worker is still hospitalized given injuries suffered during the bus fire.
Granted, a private bus service will be providing alternative service, but there is no guarantee that it is inoculated against the T’s bad luck.
And for the trifecta, shortly before lunchtime on Friday the MBTA announced that the just opened a month ago Green Line extension to Union Square is also going to be closed for a month given primarily continuing problems with the subway tunnel underneath the under-demolition of the Government Center garage over the tunnel.

Green Line Extension to Medford more likely to not rolling until winter. What year, however?
An MBTA file photo
Additionally, the extension of the Green Line Extension to Medford is also looking to be delayed by at least a couple of months given the impact of the aforementioned problems.
That and surely innumerable others yet to be disclosed problems, if not a whole lot more problems yet be disclosed.
At this point, the touts in the Quincy Quarry Newsroom are making book on both if as well as likely when the T is going to be put under federal control given its myriad of problems.
After all, laying down bets is about the only viable local option as no way is Transit-Oriented Development fan – if not also sycophant – Quincy Mayor Tom Koch is going to make himself available to discuss the problems at the T even though he is also both the decade-long Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board as well as the senior member of the MBTA Board of Directors and thus is all but unarguably a key part of at least the managerial side of the problems at the T.
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