Quincy Center traffic light fail gives rise to snarled evening commute traffic
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Previous traffic signal incident at the scene of Wednesday’s traffic light fail
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Wednesday evening commute hopelessly koch-blocked when traffic lights go out.
Per a Citizen Traffic Monitor, the traffic signals at the intersection of Coddington Way, Temple Street, and Washington Street inexplicably went out at roughly 5 pm and thus just as the evening commute was already headed towards slowing down to a crawl and then went into near-gridlock when the traffic lights went out.
The Citizen Traffic Monitor then only responsibly called the Quincy Police Department, only to be told that the department had no officers available to respond to the scene.
So what apparently, for the fact that the evening second shift of Quincy police officers had only an hour earlier come on duty as well as that Quincy Quarry’s intern tasked to monitor the Quarry’s police radio trafficking did not sense anything out of the ordinary in the way of police activity at the time.
In any event, the physically-disabled Citizen Traffic Monitor senior citizen, who does not drive and thus is already mobility-challenged, then worked web-browsers and started called phone numbers that might be tied to Quincy’s peerless mayor.
The monitor then got lucky by apparently reaching the mayor’s home to then kvetch.
In turn, a police officer was then quickly on the scene in short order.
Very short order.
In fact, wicked short, if not also record time for a change.

Is “The Beav” taking fire from his brother-in-law over a failed police response?
A City of Quincy head shot
No word, however, if Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch will soon be having a pointed heart-to-heart with his brother-in-law Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan over what was clearly a Q-up the Quincy Police Department call center and dispatch unit.
Additionally, speaking of holding people responsible, a roving but now former Quincy Quarry reporter was coincidentally cruising the mean as well as then also congested streets of Quincy Center.
Accordingly, the now former Quarry reporter so happened to see someone probably from the City of Quincy’s awkwardly named Traffic, Alarm, Parking and Light Department fiddling with the traffic signal controller for the traffic lights that had gone out but thought little of it.
After all, city workers are often seen fiddling and diddling with things for no obvious reason other than to perhaps try to look busy.
In any event, as such a scene is common, the Quarry reporter must unfortunately did not think to take a smartphone pic.
In turn, as well as only to be expected, once the City Editor heard word of things as well as things not done, the City Editor told the now-former reporter to hit the bricks.
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Someone from the growing unhoused community must have used the traffic signal’s red wire to charge their cell phone or mine for bitcoin.
The main library has a free phone charging kiosk, crypto value has cratered and the price of copper is one of the few things other than Russia crude oil that has experienced a price decline. As such, my money on is on an MBTA-grade maintenance Q-up made by the City of Quincy Traffic, Parking, Alarm, and Light Department.
Mined crypto is free money if you are not the one paying the power bill!
Can someone explain what the officers assigned to the QPD Traffic Division do? No traffic violation enforcement. No directing of traffic when signals are not functioning.
I think the QPD traffic division has been re-assigned to investigate the tremendous multi-million dollar cyber-heist of CASH from the city’s pension fund $$$$$$$$$.