Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: The heat takes its toll!
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

Mayor Grumpy …
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Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: The heat takes its toll!
Summer heat hit the fan this week.
And then things became even more heated …
The week opened with Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch opening up with a heated screed that he was planning to sue the Boston Public Library to turn over to his control the President John Adams personal library for his proposed Adams Presidential Center.
So what for the fact that last week he said that he did not need Adams’ books.
In other other words, one can only reasonably assume that his handpicked opening slate of Adams Presidential Center peeps made it clear to him that pretty much no way could the likely couple to several hundred million needed to build and then endow operating whatever it is that Mayor Koch is planning.
And then Quincy Quarry News exclusively scooped it media brethren by publishing the Boston Public Library’s response to Mayor Koch’s joch of a demand for President Adams’ books and so surely only further heated up Quincy’s peerless mayor..
Simply put, it would clearly appear that yet again the Koch Maladministration is going suffer yet another loss in court and so maintain its streak of losing major cases as well as so costing local taxpayers north of $100 million.
Well over a 100 large.
That and likely a like amount to follow care of other filed as well as perhaps pending lawsuits
Then again, what with Mayor Koch’s choice of legal counsel, quelle surprise.
Next up as well as yet again, the MBTA experienced a major safety shortcoming.
The shortcoming?
An Orange Line train burst into flames during the Thursday morning commute.
Needless to say, the mind boggles as to what will next go wrong next with the T.
Breaking: Fire Crews on scene of Orange line train fire. #boston25 https://t.co/XvIFJB3dI1 pic.twitter.com/n5tcIlQA6e
— Ted Daniel (@tvnewzted) July 21, 2022
In light of this latest as well as flaming MBTA fiasco, Quincy Quarry News yet again considered reaching out to Quincy Mayor Thomas P, Koch for comment.
After all, Mayor Koch is also both the decade-long Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board as well as the senior member of the MBTA Board of Directors, however, the Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know that such an ask would be ignored.
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