Federal Transit Administration issues scathing review of the MBTA
– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
The Federal Transit Administration inspection team that was tasked to review the MBTA in the wake of an ugly run of safety problems has issued its report.
At first blush, to call the report damning would be an understatement.
And then some.
Quincy Quarry News considered reaching out to Quincy Mayor Thomas P, Koch for comment as he is also both the decade long Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board as well as the senior member of the MBTA Board of Directors, however, the Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know that such ask would be ignored.

Propping up what is left of the Quincy Center MBTA station parking garage
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Just like has long been the case with the MBTA’s long ongoing ignoring of maintenance, operational, and other interrelated safety shortcomings.
That and as is the case with potholes in Quincy.
Source: Feds issue scathing report on MBTA’s safety issues
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