Traffic expected to worsen over Fore River Bridge given impending legal trafficking congestion?
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Conveniently located on the rotary on the Quincy side of the Fore River Bridge!
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
In a zoning and permitting move that sets a new high for an ill-advised approval, Quincy’s first legal recreational retail cannabis shop will soon be opening on the rotary on the Quincy side of the Four River Bridge.
Heretofore, Quincy has for six years had a medicinal marijuana dispensary near Granite Links Golf Course and where surely at least some golfers have relied on its product offerings so as to endeavor to control their yips on putting greens.
Ever-increasing traffic congestion on the Willard Street rotary of a sort that one must use to reach the dispensary on RIcutti Drive near Quincy’s massive public youth sports field complex notwithstanding, vehicular traffic to and from the dispensary has for the most part been uneventful.

“Slow ride, take it easy …”
Image via
Reasons likely include how at least some patrons are paranoid slow drivers.
Now, however, one can only imagine how recreational users will soon clog the Fore River Bridge rotary so as to legally score some weed.
After all, as nearby Weymouth has voted to ban local retail pot shops as well as that there are none in Hingham nor in many other South Shore waterfront communities, this pot shop in Quincy will surely be popular with not only Quincy residents but also with southbound commuters even if many of them may still be working from home these days, if not especially so as they are working from home.
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Just another disappointment. Next to the bridge, near a school, it is all the same. Parents have it tough enough nowadays and a recreational drug store certainly will not help.
Recreational weed is Mayor Koch’s way of throwing the black community a bone! I bet another old white man owns the new pot shop! Licensed weed stores are racist!
The City of Quincy s*cks!
#DrugsCreateThugz #BLM #FQPD
Let’s set the nitty gritty straight. Has the city awarded a medical or recreational marijuana license to a minority?
I think this will answer your question. Some years back, the state set up a lottery system to award marijuana dispensary licenses, and our former District Attorney Bill Delahunt won the lottery thrice.
You got a low IQ.
Can you count up to your IQ number with your shoes on? Asking for a friend.
Are you sure the store is located at the Fore River Bridge and not at Long Island Bridge? I’m not a drug dealer, but if I was……
Another opportunity for the QPD to earn big bucks directing traffic or responding to accidents in the rotary.
Jeepers, I never thought I would live to see the day that marijuana is legally sold to our children. Moreover, I’m very disappointed with our city officials for allowing such a dirty business to open in Quincy Point.
Washington Street is dangerous enough! Now, I have to additionally worry about kids driving stoned or distracted drivers going through their goodie bags so they can roll up one of those funny-smelling lung darts to smoke on their way home or, worse, to work.
Mayor Thomas “Pay to Play” Koch’s approval of this recreational marijuana sales license is no surprise; however, Ward Councillor Dave F. McCarthy needs to be held accountable for allowing this store to open in Saint Joseph’s parish.
Further, I bet that nincompoop Dan Raymondi had his dirty hands in this. I might be old, but I’m not stupid.
I now have to call my daughter, who lives in Hingham, to tell her to no longer take route 3A when she and my son-in-law visit me with my grandchildren.
Traffic will be the least of our problems on the Point.
Points been a dump for decades. Pot shop does nothing either way when it comes to the neighborhood.
Marijuana is not sold to children.. why lie?
Back in the day, it was Whitey Bulger who permitted a person to sell drugs in the neighborhood; nowadays, it is Tom Koch who controls the game. Organized crime was just re-organized.
Its pot not meth… its about as dangerous as coffee..
Tell that to the widow of the Massachusetts State Trooper who was killed by an alleged marijuana-impaired driver. Our streets are now less-safe.
” … about as dangerous as coffee?” Really? See
Drug dealing bars, seedy message (sex) parlors, liquor stores selling nips by the case, and now a recreational weed shop. Koch has turned Washington Street into a red-light district. WTF.
The new recreational weed shop on Newbury Street in Boston will contribute 100,000 dollars annually to the neighborhood plus collects a local tax. How much will our new recreational sin bin contribute to ward one and our city?
Something tells me that we are getting screwed once again!
Not really since its always been like that.
Cannabis is legal. The city makes money from cannabis sales. We need a new revenue stream besides property taxes. I usually agree with remarks here but why should Rockland be making money from Quincy residents.
Ms J,
With all due respect, the Quarry’s concern is over understandable traffic safety concerns about the location of Quincy’s impending first legal retail pot shop, not trafficking.
On the other hand, you have set the stage for another concern: how much is Quincy seeing from its cut on medicinal marijuana sales and on what is Mayor Koch spending it?
At usual, transparency is not what it should be.
the city created the zoning for cannabis stores.I believe this was one place that the zoning allowed. Of course there are Liquor stores everywhere
Please consider taking looks at the Ermont medicinal marijuana shop up on Ricciuti Drive near the Grant Links Golf Course and Rockland’s Canna Vara recreational pot shop during their respective business hours.
BOTH are located in relatively out of the way places as well as both also have large parking lots. Even so, their parking lots are often full even though both encourage online advance ordering so as to effect quick pick-ups.
Conversely, what’s planned for a recreational pot shop on the rotary at the base of the Fore River Bridge has only a handful or so of parking spaces net of expected staff needs.
No argument, the City of Quincy approved the location but no way did the city do its homework on readily obvious parking and traffic concerns.
Also, to the best of Quincy Quarry’s knowledge, never has there ever been a liquor store along the rotary on the Quincy side of the Fore River Bridge.
Perhaps Mayor Kook expects that the customers of this Cannabis Store will be taking an MBTA Bus instead of their rides to this establishment. ?
Hey Marjorie, I guess you do not have children. Moreover, Quincy already has a marijuana dispensary. Get yourself a medical marijuana card and shop local, tax-free!
First, Canna Vana in Rockland is not located in a residential neighborhood!
Second, I work at South Shore Hospital and go to Rockland some days for lunch. A long line of cars often blocks the street to enter Canna Vana’s large parking lot.
Third, Quincy needs a hospital and not another weed shop!
Property values in the Point will take a huge hit. What family would want to buy a house a stone’s throw away from a dispensary? Crown Colony or even Quincy Center would have been better locations for a recreational pot shop.
Mayor Koch and Chief Keenen should have conducted some due diligence by spending a little time observing Canna Vara’s parking lot.
Impaired drivers will be an issue: the proof is in the dispensary parking lots.
Public safety should be the city’s top priority rather than creating additional revenue streams to cover the city’s gross mismanagement.
Buck Up Quincy! BUCK UP!
I’ve been following “The Quarry” ever since I moved to Quincy in 2019. During that time, the Quarry and it’s constituents have expressed two primary concerns:
(1) the potential long term consequences to taxpayers cause by the self-serving antics of Mayor Koch’s endless parade of hair-brained schemes, and
(2) concerns about residential and commercial tax consequences arising from Koch’s last three years of municipal mismanagement.
Frankly, It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed this hard -But the ignorant pissing and moaning over a HARMLESS weed shop should mortify you!
Between the sanctimonious bellyaching of Tipper Gore over here who can’t distinguish a WINDFALL of tax revenue benefiting the entire Quincy community from the moral turpitude of Sodom and Gomorrah’s depraved “red light district.”
Also, will someone please explain to “Nana,” that this is not a crack house! We are talking about a government subsidized and state licensed retail store that sells plants.
WILL SOMEONE PLEASE explain to Nana that her daughter can continue to drive along Rt. 3, past the store, without risking a gang war. ?♂️
A few points from among many more that could be made about your, well, ignorance of various facts.
One, Quincy has long been known as the “Massage” Parlor capital of the South Shore.
And for another, pot is not “government subsidized.”
Further, pot shops can’t sell plants — only “processed’ plant products.
My concern is not a gang war; however, I’m now adding gang war to my list – you jackass.
Have you ever heard of Google? Here are some RECENT news stories on Google that highlight my genuine concern.
I could keep going, but I think you get my point.
wow what you rip every article you could find on your “google” search clicked on 3 just to see what youve wasted your evening doing and woe closest one was a 1k miles away of them are
Maybe I should put in local seniors hit gas instead of brake and you’ll certainly never want one of them to ever walk into another store in there life!!
Sounds like youre saying ban cars..
I’ve been censored??!! Well that’s it, the Quarry just lost one of its 5 readers. And the dispensary is STILL happening.
PS – HATE IT when women start a sentence with “Obviously you don’t have children.” (Your kids are blazing a fatty RIGHT NOW!).
Dave, take a hit from your bong and get a grip. You have the right to smoke your weed, while parents have the right to stand up for the best interest of their kids. My children are all grown up now; however, I’m still against a pot shop in my backyard.
“Obviously” appears to be a figment of your imagination; maybe it’s time for you to lay off the weed. I do not want my kids to grow up to become you.
You were not censured. Rather, Quincy Quarry’s comments moderator took a long liquid lunch today.
Why is Dave triggered? Are only privileged white men allowed to have opinions?
Yes, Beth, David’s sexist and rude comments show us who he is – a divorced dope-smoking renter. I would tell him to move back where he came from, but my guess from his tone is that there is a restraining order in place.
Dave, is it that your wife and kids left you, so you moved to the City of Quincy in 2019, or that you started working for the City of Quincy in 2019?
Will the Koch ok tax dollars be used to build a new parking garage for Affsa’s pot shop? Like many, I canceled our subscription to the Patriot Ledger two years ago. From reading the comments left here. I’m not alone in only just now hearing about this approved pot shop for the first time. The city needs to do a better job notifying residents of big things like this that will undoubtedly impact our community.
Just another Koched-up plan that looked good on paper but will prove to be an utter disaster on opening day. I can not wait to see this one blow up in Sh*tty Hall’s face!
Is it just a coincidence that this marijuana store will be only a quick walk away from low incoming housing projects?
They dont need housing projects to establish what that neigborhoods been.. no need to freak out over weed though. Traffic concerns are the only valid concerns here.
My god the grandstanding drama queens in here need to get a grip on reality. The same 55+ aged people in these comments who use disproven, debunked, uneducated marijuana propaganda, to lump everyone who doesn’t think exactly like them, into a big boat of bleery eyed drug addicts crashing their cars into their baby strollers…are the same exact people who go home and drink an entire bottle of gin in their one story shoe box house with a cracked up driveway and peeling paint on their house. This pathetic display of ignorance by boomers is no surprise, but the vitriol you speak with about other people you’ve never met, is sickening. You are the most judgmental, closed minded, and LEAST PROFITABLE generation in American history. Your ignorance has caused this nation decades of corrupt and failed infrastructure projects, you destroyed the environment on every conceivable level, the only reason most of you at least curbed your blatant racism is that people from my generation started recording you disgusting public behavior and calling you out.
This pathetic little website only averages 5000 visitors a month, your traffic is down 40% from last month, your bounce rate is a whopping 84%, and people only view 1 page per visit. This website, like most boomers, is not profitable, has been in the red for quite some time, and will most likely die off in silence like they truly deserve.
Dude, do you not know that the FBI does not look favorably on people falsely claiming to be an FBI agent, not even facetiously, as well that fibbies have powerful webcrawlers?
Do you also not realize that many to most of the patrons of legal pot shops in at least the near South of Boston area are boomers as they have lives and thus do not care to risk ending up busted or worse by buying weed on the street?
Next up, you posted false data about Quincy Quarry’s readership.
The Quarry’s most recent as well as official metrics note five times more visitors than you misstated. It also enjoys an average range bounce rate of 67% and thus enjoys a decent per reader pages viewed rate for a small market niche publication such as the Quarry.
Further note that given the Quarry’s Citizen Journalist business model, it runs in the black given its ad income. Granted, the net plus is modest, but profitable is profitable.
And finally, Quincy Quarry is well into its ninth year of e-publication.
In short, you be both wrong as well as invariably so.
Special is certainly “special”
” . . . but the vitriol you speak with about other people you’ve never met, is sickening. You are the most judgmental, closed minded . . . ”
And how, I wonder, would you describe your own disparaging remarks? Should be entertaining to hear your “objective” thoughts.
Oh, and “Special” doesn’t even begin to tell the story.
On the off chance that your ask was not a rhetorical question, the answer is Projection along with a huge dollop of narcissism.