Worcester State Representative pleads out on drunk driving arrest in Quincy
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
The Worcester state representative who was busted for driving on but three wheels and blowing four times the standard to be viewed as driving drunk quickly as well as quietly plead out last week in Quincy District Court before his scheduled hearing date.
He so agreed to be subject to a number of sanctions and obligations.
The terms range from fines, the suspension of his driver’s license, undertaking a substance abuse treatment program, and the like typically so imposed for the charges he was facing..
The representative so resolved his case within two months of his arrest.
Subject to abiding by the terms of his plea deal, that is.

No media coverage was possible at Quincy District Court for neither the state rep’s plea deal nor of the house whacker getting off
A Quincy Quarry file photo
Conversely, however, how the state police officer who whacked a house in Houghs Neck last September while also driving on but three wheels got off with but a modest slap on the wrist via a secret clerk magistrate hearing at the Quincy District Courthouse is apparently still under investigtion.
Source: State Rep. David LeBoeuf of Worcester loses license for 45 days in drunken driving case
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If only he had said, “do you know who I am?”
Must be nice to get off when the common man has their lives totally disrupted with fines and harsh conditions. Makes me sick
Justice? Keenen is a criminal. F the police!