Quincy parking control meter man parking backwards in Quincy Center
Parking regulations?
What parking regulations?
In Quincy, abiding by local parking rules continue to not apply to at least “some” city employees.
One of Quincy’s Citizen Photojournalists photo-documented the personal ride of one of the City of Quincy’s metermen parking the wrong way of the side street that is Saville Avenue.
Further, this short run of short-term parking was temporarily signed as a no parking zone given work underway on the abutting Presidents Place office building.

Follow-up photo confirming temporary no parking
Note truck parked on sidewalk, left background
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
This is not the first time this meter man has been exposéd by Quincy Quarry.
The same license plate was photographed eight years ago on another vehicle with its backside sticking well out into traffic along Washington Street in front of Crane main library and thus so also exposéd by the Quarry.
Additionally, this same Quincy meter man was caught changing his clothes in public on nearby Foster Street in a no-parking area just around the corner from the Quincy District Courthouse six years ago and so then exposéd by Quincy Quarry News.
Then again, with the cavalier compliance with local parking regulations flaunted by Quincy’s peerless mayor, one can only expect other city employees to feel similarly entitled.
So, a parking enforcement officer parked heading in the wrong direction on a two-way street marked with a double yellow line? This repeat offender (excuse me while I choke on my coffee) is tasked with issuing parking tickets to other parking violation offenders — you can’t make this stuff up. But the fact that his vehicle is headed in the wrong direction — crossing the double yellow line — is not a mere parking violation, it can be construed as a moving violation. This character thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants. And apparently his boss, the Lord Mayor could not care less. Fine example being set for the rest of the citizens of this decreasingly livable city.
Listen, folks; laws, rules, and regulations do not apply to city personnel!
Excellent reporting. I hope people can use this article to overturn their tickets from the man.
Serve me up some of the usual.
I’m still highly pissed off over the twenty-million-dollar animal shelter! I can not wait until the next election.
My wealthy retired ass has nothing better to do than spend money and hold signs all around the city to remind voters how Koch and the city council have screwed local taxpayers
Imagine this scumbag is writing tickets to minorities for lesser offenses! Another privileged white Kochsucker!
Just another of the illegally parked vehicles which are all over Quincy on a daily basis with no parking enforcement outside of Quincy Center. Perhaps if more tickets were issued, then the City would have money to spend without raising taxes. Just a thought. Oh wait, if you work for the city you get paid not to think.
You snooze you lose! The cocaine dealer at R*gs sells out fast!