MBTA shuts down Green and Orange rail service given tunnel issues underneath the former Government Center garage
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

MBTA Board of Directors hold first meeting after a still-ongoing federal investigation hits the fan
Just when one thought that things could not become much worse with the MBTA’s operations, they of course become worse.
Way worse.
In a still breaking badly bad news© story, the evening commute today was suddenly disrupted on the Green and Orange lines.
While not specifically acknowledged, it would appear that damage caused to these tunnels from an uncontrolled collapse of the garage in March while it was undergoing demolishment was worse than previously thought.
MBTA shuts down service on Green and Orange Lines due to garage structural issuehttps://t.co/nQcM6RtHcK
— WBZ | CBS News Boston (@wbz) June 23, 2022

Coming soon?
A meme
Shuttle buses were brought to cover Green Line service all the way to the Back Back but Orange Line service was not so covered. Instead, impacted straphangers will have to travel along the bus replacement service provided for Green Line service.
As this is a still breaking story, Quincy Quarry’s evergrowing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to both follow this breaking badly story as well as what next bad luck that is only reasonable to expect will befall the T.
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