MBTA Board of Directors to hold first meeting after a still-ongoing federal investigation hits the fan
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Image of the 2019 catastrophic derailment at the Red Line’s JFK station
Image via Twitter
While the local weather will not be heating up until this weekend, the heat will be on the MBTA Board of Directors today at its first meeting as a so far damning, however not yet completed, Federal Transit Authority Safety (Mism)anagement Inspection hits the fan.
Safety and performance problems at the T have been both rife as well as increasing this year, ranging from multiple subway train collisions to Commuter Rail train derailments to runaway trains to a passenger fatality on the Red Line to MBTA escalators suddenly reversing direction, including over this past weekend at the Chinatown Orange Line station.
How hot is the heat?
It doesn't look good.
— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) October 7, 2020

On the horizon for the MBTA Board of Directors members?
An old image
The Boston tabloid has called for the head of the MBTA as well as the heads of its board of directors.
While Quincy Quarry News is still in the process of reviewing the ostensible bona fides of the rest of the members of the MBTA’s board of directors, it is only fair to note that not only was Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch the very first person named to the latest oversight board for the MBTA, Koch has also been the Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board for a decade.
That and has had his hand in as well as perhaps also out as regards a handful of problems with five major MTBA projects in Quincy.
Quincy Quarry News has encouraged certain of its media brethren to reach out to Mayor Koch for comment as well as herein offers the Quarry’s expectation as to what to expect out of Quincy’s peerless mayor.
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Name one corporate 1000 company with a junior college dropout chairing its advisory board. What a joke!