MBTA problems continue and now there is a call for mass firings of the MBTA’s senior management
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Breaking bad badly bad news© continues to hit the MBTA with unrelenting poundings.
While many believe that bad news comes in threes; such coverage in threes is more a matter of news media knowing that their consumers’ interest drops off dramatically after three features.
Other than the insatiable appetite of television news outlets for the car crash and fire of the day stories, that is.
In the case of the MBTA, however, it would appear that the ongoing spate of bad news involving the T has passed the basta point given recent calls for its suits to be shown the door, if not also for their heads on top of pikes.
For example, by the Boston tabloid and one can thus only expect more local media to follow with calls for more of the same.
And as for the lastest bad news of the day: how the MBTA is yet again takings its new Orange and Red Line trains out of service given problematic components
Amazingly, MTBA public relations flacks did not tout that these service cuts should not be a problem as on Monday of this week the MBTA was reducing weekday schedules for Blue, Orange, and Red Lines to Saturday service levels given safety problems uncovered during a still-ongoing investigation by the National Transporation Authority.
And as for heads on pikes, after first to go MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak, who better next than Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch?
After all, Koch has also been the Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board for a decade.
Further,Mayor Koch was the first person named to the current iteration of the MBTA’s board of directors.
And as for particulars, the brief against him includes the following.
Mayor Koch championed the Charlie Foxtrot of transit-oriented development in the air rights of the North Quincy MBTA station, a station that was supposed to be renovated care of the air rights lease revenue.
Next up, the problematic rebuilding of the Wollaston Red Line station given that the initial contractor with both Quincy and City of Quincy ties ended up kicked off the job.
Even more gobsmacking was that the company was awarded the contract in the first place ahead of a qualified and regular MBTA project contractor as the eventually fired contractor had unarguable ties with Modern Continental of Big Dig infamy.
Further problematic yet is how the renovation of the Quincy Adams Red Line station and its parking garage is running behind schedule.

Not to worry Skipper …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
And finally, there is Quincy Mayor Koch’s greasing of locating a planned new MBTA bus yard in South Quincy for maintaining the planned to be bought electric buses and storing them during off-hours.
That and so do a solid for a connected peep who owned the vacant property.
In but a few months, however, this boondoggle has hit the fan as bids for the project came in well in excess of expectations and now the project has been put on hold.
Granted, it is unfair to ascribe all of the blame onto Mayor Koch.
At the same time, there are still clear signs of his Medusa Touch.
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Thomas Koch has almost single handily ruined Quincy and now he is moving on to destroying the MBTA.