Federal Transportation Administration emergency review of MBTA issues recommendations before completing its review
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

Police investigating bus accident at Quincy Center MBTA Station
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
The Federal Transportation Administration assigned a safety inspection team to review the MBTA’s operations last month given a recent spate of accidents with MBTA rolling stork, including a fatal accident that never should have happened in the first place, including a surely gruesome fatality on the Red Line three months ago.
How bad are things?
While the feds’ review of the MBTA is still underway, they have already issued a preliminary admonition to address four areas of concern immediately.
Address them stat concerns with surely more admonitions to likely to follow when the Federal Transportation Administration’s final report is promulgated.
And as for a local angle, Quincy Quarry News must only properly note to its ever-growing legions of loyal readers that Quincy’s peerless mayor Tom Koch is both the longtime Chair of the MBTA Advisory Council, not to mention is also a member of the latest iteration of the MBTA’s Board of Directors for almost a year at this point.
Accordingly, it is only proper to impose some accountability, if not also some rebuke, upon Mayor Koch over the MBTA’s long-ongoing problems.
So what also, for the fact that Mayor Koch has no germane professional transportation experience prior to his appointment as Chair of MBTA Advisory Council, much has a relevant degree in engineering or for that matter any college degree.

“Trust me, Skipper, converting this former Lowe’s store into a bus yard will work out just fine.”
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
Further, while Mayor Koch (thankfully, ed.) does not have operational management authority at the MBTA, one cannot help but suspect that Koch’s local Medusa Touch is now also impacting the MBTA’s operations or at least is worsening the T’s already long ongoing run of snafus.
After all, at a minimum, it was ultimately Mayor Koch’s so-called idea to take the former Quincy Lowe’s location off of the local tax rolls and then repurpose it as a huge MBTA bus maintenance and storage facility even though the site is hard upon a residential neighborhood and two local schools, a project that is also already facing dire problems but a mere few months after its most curious indoor groundbreaking presser.
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“Koch is both the longtime Chair of the MBTA Advisory Council, not to mention is also a member of the latest iteration of the MBTA’s Board of Directors”
Enough said.