Accused drunk driving house whacker asked “What did I hit?” after slamming into Salem home
Image via an Alysha Palumbo NBC10 tweet
– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Regional television news desks had a field day yesterday covering a Salem house whacking by an allegedly drunk driver who drove his pick-up truck into a house shortly after midnight on Sunday.
For example, one can stream CBS Boston/WBZ on the scene video by clicking here as well as see video of the house whacker in court for his arraignment on Monday care of WCVB Channel 5.
Additionally, the tweets on Twitter by other local TV channels were flying so as to link readers to the tweeters’ respective newsfeeds.
After all, the story of Quincy’s State Trooper house whacking last fall went viral and needless to say media outlets are hungry for more of the same.
.@SalemMAPolice say the male driver who crashed this Dodge Ram truck into this Jefferson Avenue home before 1 am is under arrest charged with O.U.I. speeding and marked lane @boston25
— Jill Konopka (@jillkonopka) June 6, 2022
A truck crashed into a home here in Salem, MA overnight. Details on the crash and the charges the driver’s facing on @NBC10Boston & @NECN all morning.
— Alysha Palumbo NBC10 Boston (@AlyshaNBCBoston) June 6, 2022
While it has apparently not been reported what was evel of blood alcohol blown by this latest house whacker, it is clear that Salem police did all the right things to see that Salem’s house whacker was duly arrested as well as then publicly exposéd over it.
Also made clear by Salem Police is that the Salem house whacker is a Salem resident.
Additional good news: no one in the house was injured by the house whacker even if the house itself suffered extensive damage.
No comment from the Salem Police Department, however, as to whether or not the Quincy Police Department’s apparently not doing the right thing with a state police officer who whacked a house in Quincy’s Houghs Neck neighborhood with his pickup truck last fall and which is a story that Boston 25 has doggedly been following as would a hungry wolf after a wounded deer.

Yet again no comment out of Quincy Police Chiel and mayoral brother-in-law Paul “The Beav” Keenan …
A Quincy Police Department headshot
Also, no comment out of the Quincy Police Department as regards events in Salem.
For example, what the Quincy Police Department’s apparent mishandling of things with the Houghs Neck house whacker may have done to motivate the Salem Police Department to be sure to do the right thing with its house whacker.
That and also nothing was said about how the suspected house whacker cover-up in Quincy last fall might also be posing problems given an alleged other Quincy Police cover-up involving a fatal sucker-punching over three years ago.
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Keenen has more lives than a ?. That corrupt and racist cop should have been relieved of duty many scandals ago.
Let us not forget the preventable tragedy at Nickerson VFW Post.
Christopher McCallum (husband and father of three) is dead because Chief Keenan and his three QPD liquor inspectors, plus a civilian secretary, failed to do their goddam jobs!
If Chief Keenen wasn’t one of Mayor Koch’s brothers-in-law he would be unemployed!
After the next election, both will be unemployed.
Some good news: worst case, Chief Keenan will have to retire next year when he hits mandatory retirement age unless we get lucky and the ongoing scandals involving One Sea Street take him out sooner.
Their culture of corruption will come crashing down, and I will be attending every federal court hearing.
See you there :)