Barnstable Police know to do what Quincy Police do not?


Featured image is a cellphone image via WHDH Channel 7


– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added


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Wild Irish Rose?
An old photo

In what all but assuredly only adds to the pain of how at least a few Quincy police officers clearly appear to be under at least scrutiny for enabling a Massachusetts State Police house whacker get off, along comes a story out of Hyannis that involves the son of the Massachusetts State Police Colonel.

The son of a gun was found last February “… slummed over the wheel of his jeep in a parking lot …” behind an Irish-themed bar in Hyannis, smelling of alcohol, a number of unsecured firearms in the passenger seat area of his ride, as well as assorted boxes of ammunition also not properly secured per applicable law.

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“Sarge, we have problem …”
A Shutterstock image

While the Barnstable did not arrest the head of state police’s son, they did refer the matter along to the Barnstable County District Attorney as well as one can only hope confiscated the kid’s pieces and bullets.

The Barnstable District Attorney then, unlike as was apparently grifted for the Quincy house whacker, opted to pursue a public clerk magistrate hearing as well as also reached out to Lawrence District Court to borrow one of its clerk magistrates to hear the case so as to endeavor to avoid charges of impropriety or favoritism.

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“Young man, do you know who I am??
A Paramount Television image

On Tuesday, the clerk magistrate decided that the gun-packing son of gun should face charges with improperly storing firearms. 

The son of a gun got lucky as the keys to his jeep were not in the ignition and his ride was parked in a privately-owned parking lot.

As one can only reasonably assume, the matter has received featured coverage by many of the area news media outlets, including video coverage by Boston 25, text coverage by both The Boston Globe, and WHDH Channel 7, various other regional news media as well as the only de rigueur roasting by Howie Carr earlier this month.

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Disorder in the Court
An old Columbia Pictures image

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ evergrowing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to follow this latest scandal involving a Massachusetts police department and then report on any new developments as appropriate.

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