– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Potholes Persist.
A recent puff piece pimped in the Southshore broadsheet talking up the City of Quincy’s Department of Public Works pothole patrol notwithstanding, it would appear that the pothole patrol team’s performance has been as hit and miss as things have been for local drivers who are trying the best they can to avoid local potholes.
While out and about on the ever-increasingly mean streets of Quincy as well as especially potholed at least here and there, Quincy Quarry found potholes are still to be found in places where one would assume should be high on the fill-it list.

A whopper of a pothole in the left foreground at Quincy Center MBTA station
A Quincy Quincy News exclusive image
For example, outside the home of a personally perceived to be connected City of Quincy hack hire as well as not even for the MBTA even though Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch in spite of the fact that he is now both the longtime Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board as well as now also a member of the new MBTA Board of Directors.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to monitor the mean as well as still apparently pothole-laden streets in the Q and report back as might be appropriate.
The hack’s contributions to the Tommy Fund must be light this year.
Officials at Quincy’s City Hall endearingly call potholes honey holes.