– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Spring Cleaning!
After what all has hit the fan in the Q in recent weeks, there is much to clean.
Unfortunately, the ultimate source of much of the effluent in City Hall will likely not be cleaned out.
Not this week anyway.
Even so, there are still plenty of other messes to clean up in the meanwhile.

Beer cans and nips party site, Merrymount Park
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
For example, empty beer cans and nips in Merrymount Park within but a few hundred feet of the country club headquarters compound of the Department of Natural Resources Department, née Park and Recreational Department.
Apparently, one can take recreation out of the name but not out of the mindset of the department’s personnel.
That or actually work.
After all, we’re talking about the department where Quincy’s peerless mayor first long-dined at the pubic trough.
And speaking of park space, the snow pile that long snow blocked Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of one of Quincy’s two city halls looks to finally be melting away at some point relatively soon.
Current best guess at to when? Sometime next week, the first week of spring!
In turn, that will make it possible to for Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six to finally clean up the dirt and leaves left behind as the snow melts.
For example, with the team’s exclusive to its use power washer.

Who ya gonna call? GUMBUSTERS!!!
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
That and break out its GumBuster®!!!
After all, boys have to have toys that they will not share for the needs of others as Quincy’s peerless mayor has a compulsive need to see immaculate grounds around Quincy’s two city halls even if not so much for other city parks and green spaces.
And in the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry continues to receive pictures of local potholes which the best are then added to the Quarry’s ongoing library of photos.
Potholes both literally as well as metaphorically notwithstanding, the Quarry would be remiss if it failed to note some good news.
Specifically, a female city councillor is pressing for City of Quincy ordinances, various other sorts of municipal codes as well as City Council rules revised to gender-neutral language
At the same time, it would also be remiss of the Quarry to not also reiterate herein that these changes should have been made long ago.
A long, long, long, LONG time ago.
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