Old Fish, old news …
A file photo
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: The beatdown of the Koch Machine continues!
The Weekly Fish Wrap newsletter is back on track this week after last week when the week before Fish Wrap was errantly resent and everyone knows what happens with last week’s news and fish.
While offering no excuse, the Quarry’s intern blew out of Dodge in a hurry two Fridays ago for the long Presidents Day holiday weekend and so forget to pause the newsletter’s auto emailing bot.
In any event, while this week still early into a new year, it is already painfully clear that 2022 continues to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch and his maladministration.
Such works for Quincy Quarry by the way.
Even better from Quincy Quarry’s point of view, it does not look as if the sun will be coming out tomorrow, much less any time soon, for the Koch Maladministration.
This week’s hitting of the fan was over how the State Civil Service Commission dope slapped a number of Koch Machine dopes.
The reason for the dope slapping?
Several kochsters roughed up a higher-ranked applicant to become a police officer so as to grease the skids to slip one of Mayor Koch’s barely twenty-something sons with a badge and a piece.
After all, family is family as far as La Kocha Nostra is concerned.
Even when tax dollars are covering the nut, if not especially so when tax dollars are covering the nut.
For example, per Quincy Quarry’s sources high but mostly low, word on the street is that the mayor’s younger son is slated for a spot at the fire department as the mayor feels he is a hothead and thus should only be playing with hoses.
That and rumor further has it that the mayor’s only daughter is said slated for a teaching job in the local public school system even if she is not exactly known to be a scholar.
Then again, it is Quincy Quarry’s understanding that neither was Quincy’s Quincy College dropout of a mayor and apples usually do not drop far from their family tree.
Even more appalling, however, is how this is at least the fourth time that someone koched-up was slipped onto the police force by La Kocha Nostra’s fixers even though all of the previous griftings were subsequently also variously dope slapped by the Civil Service Commission.
In short, so much, apparently, for a three-strikes rule and you are out when it comes to the Quincy Police Department.

“The Beav”
A Quincy Police headshot
In this instance, Quincy Mayor Thomas P, Koch “technically” recused himself from the applicants’ review process as his son was one of the applicants.
So too recusing himself was surely but coincidentally mayoral brother-in-law Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan and he is thus the uncle of the mayor’s son.
That and then The Beav surely but inadvertently assigned his own son to the review committee and so added a family-friendly family member to the koched-up review committee.
And yes, The Beav’s son was himself found by the Civil Service Commission to have been greased onto the force ahead of three higher on the hiring list veterans eight years ago.
In short, the true “Quincy Way!”
Further, as well as darkly amusing, Mayor Koch’s Director of Operations and Photo Op Events Planner Helen “Wheels” Murphy was also named to the review committee.
Then again, Wheels does have experience with police given her “driving skills“ as well as her long purported “ride-along” with a Quincy police officer at the time when a several alarm fire alarm firm broke out at the then location of the Quincy College bookstore.
Playing bumper cars on the old Fore River Bridge notwithstanding, Wheels was soon thereafter named the Director of Human Resources for the City of Quincy by Mayor Koch after she beat a driving under the influence charge.
Apparently, Wheels was not so incapacitated as to not know to ask to be taken to the hospital in the wake of her single-car accident.
In turn, she so apparently managed to duck both a roadside sobriety check and/or blowing a 0.08 on a breathalyzer even if she is widely reputed to have considerable experience with blowing.
And for yet another conflict of interest as well as likely also personally conflicted screening member was Mayor Koch’s dutiful, if not also obsequious, Chief of Staph Pinocchio Walkbacker.
In short, recent events are such that even the hard-bitten and thought that they had seen it all Quincy Quarry News crew was, well, surprised.
Reasons include that while of late Koch Maladministration scandals and shortcomings have been flying fast, furiously, as well as frequently, the Quarry’s coverage of them all but writes itself even if some might mistakenly think that the Quarry is making things up.
That or perhaps engaging in poetic license at times.
Reality: Quincy Quarry is only addressing some of the indefensible low points as there is only so much time in a day to merely cover the news of the day.
And speaking of blowing ir, this week Mayor Koch’s Chief of Staph Pinocchio Walkerbacker blew up with bovine byproduct over his outage with a local TV station’s pointed questioning of the grifting of Mayor Koch’s son onto the Quincy police force.
A Trumpian grade rant, if not then some and perhaps even a fair bit more.
Then again, given Pinocchio’s rumored parking of his ride in the landscaping of police headquarters over a decade ago after a late night of suspected revelry, he surely thus owes the local police a solid even if his bogus claims hurled against a local major media outlet that would appear to have issued a fatwa upon the Koch Maladministration is a very, very, very bad idea.
Then again, it is not like the Koch Maladministration is not already long well-known for fomenting bad ideas.
Arrogant, banal, bombastic, as well as often wickedly expensive koched-up bad ideas.
Are you f*cking me? Two more Koch princelings are going to be handed city jobs? Where is the outrage?
Wow, no comment from Mayor Koch!
Miss Vicky,
Stumpy and especially Pinocchio know better.
Hooking up family members with government jobs is one of the mayor’s perks because everybody wants the best for their children.
If you are jealous, I suggest you run for mayor.
Koch’s aspirations for his children are very low! His children must be rocks!