– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News.
The Wollaton MBTA Red Line station roof continues to leak.
One would think that building a roof that did not leak was no big deal but apparently it is.
In any event, the fully redone Wollaston Red Line MBTA station reopened with much fanfare two and half years ago as well as after the old station was closed almost two years earlier so as to supposedly endeavor to hasten the makeover.
As usual, things did not work out as planned.
Not even close to as planned.
Not even after duly handicapping of things as this was an MBTA project.
For but a few examples, not only was this MBTA project delayed, but also the original lead contractor on this reconstructions project was kicked off of the job along the way.
Then again, both Quincy Quarry News as well as others in the know expected as much from the git-go that the lead contractor on the MBTA’s Wollaston station reconstruction project would, well, collapse.
The key reason for this view: the winning bidder was arguably a phoenix of a sort that arose from the ashes of the imploded Modern Continental construction company of Big Dig infamy.
Apparently, the MBTA does not much talk with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.
That or suffers from PTSD memory loss.
In any event, the MBTA has since been sued by the two insurance companies that issued completion bonds for the Wollaston station reconstruction project.
The reason for the lawsuit: the insurance companies have been hit with millions of unexpected cost overruns that all but assuredly arose when the original lead contractor was kicked off of the job.
That and alleged sloppy project planning and oversight by the MBTA.
And now as one of a number of problems so arising as well as again, the relatively new Wollaston station’s roof continues to leak mostly onto the staircase up the train platform and as it has since shortly after the new station opened over two years ago.
Even worse, we are not talking just a drip, drip, drip as the leakage ends up cascading down the stairs up to the elevated train platform and then flowing down onto the floor of the turnstile station entryway level.
In short, par for the course for the MBTA.
Quincy Quarry News considered reaching out to the City of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch as he is the longtime Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board as well as is now also the Vice-Chair somewhat recently constituted MBTA Board of Directors.
Shortly thereafter, however, the Quarry’s City Editor stopped rolling on the floor laughing long enough to note that there was no point bothering as answers were all but certain to not be provided as if Mayor Koch is known for anything, it is for not being forthcoming when things hit the fan.
In fact, especially so when things hit the fan.
Plus, as Quincy Mayor Koch announced when he was named to the newish MBTA Board of Directors that he would spend the next six months visiting all of the communities serviced by the MBTA, his calendar is surely pretty much booked as the T services 176 towns and cities in Eastern Massachusetts.
If, that is, Mayor Koch is – for a change – actually going to live up to his so-called word.
Mayor Koch is for Mayor Koch only!
That whole area is built on wetland… Fugget about it?
Wollaston Station is a f*king crime scene left dangerous!
Further, Mayor Koch is an idiot, and his visiting 176 communities won’t change that fact.
Scumbag Mayor Koch traded hundreds of our should have been parking spots for campaign cash from shady out-of-city comrades — I mean developers. So enjoy your time on the T, drip drip drip.
Did the city’s building, fire, and health inspectors sign off on Wollaston MBTA station renovations?
Koch’s ego prevents him from seeing that he was appointed to that position because they wanted a blindly ambitious fall guy. Additionally, since his only seemingly consistent and recognizable functions in the Q are to spend money and enrich his pals, he’ll have plenty of time to visit all those cities and towns, plenty of opportunities to run his song and dance routine for a wider audience.
That station was horribly designed from the beginning.
No argument. The committee that designed the camel did a better job. Way better.
The more time he spends away from Quincy, the better.