– Online tech tips from Quincy Quarry News

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If only this adblocking tip worked on my cellphone!!!
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Quincy Quarry News Ad Blocker.

Tired of online ads littering when reviewing your Quincy Quarry News newsfeed on your notebook or desktop but not up for the trouble and possible expense of setting up an adblocker app?

If so, there is a wicked easy Plan B solution.

The solution: just refresh your online view of Quincy Quarry stories on your browser and annoying ads will fall away.

Even better, Quincy Quarry still retains full credit for its ad eyeball counts.

Given the length of the story, Quincy Quarry News readers might have to do several refreshes to clear out the extra ads inserted the longer the story; however, what are a few clicks and but several seconds of refresh time to so hack clean reads of hard-hitting to the stones Quincy Quarry exposés?

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