– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

It’s all downhill from here …
Image via Mt Kalmont
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: News freeze turns into an avalanche.
After the end of year festivities and Q’ing cold weather throughout much of January froze up things, in recent days the flow of news has finally thawed even if the weather has not and so unleashed all manner of backed up breaking badly bad news© that had been backed-up in the Q.
In turn, Quincy Quarry News reported on the Bombogenesis Blizzard of 2022, the continuing sordid saga of a corrupt Massachusetts mayor who is looking at six-year confinement in a Club Fed, and then followed up on the announcement of a long-expected and well-warranted $8 million wrongful death suit filed against the City of Quincy and various koched-up senior officials to ride the Quarry’s way to scoring a record-setting 75,000 page views of Quincy Quarry News stories in the most recent full week of the Quarry’s Google Analytics data.
Needless to say, one can only assume that senior capos of La Kocha Nostra are thus passing bricks, if not large granite boulders.
As the lawsuit, as well as various other looking likely to be breaking badly bad news© can only be expected to continue to hit the fan in coming days, weeks, and months, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can expect the Quarry to continue to exposé all of that which deserves exposing even it entails exposing just how small are the stones of those so exposéd.
Granted, breaking the news of these future Quincy Quarry News features will hurt those exposéd; so breaking their stones will likely so eventually free those long oppressed by those so exposéd.
After all, Karma eventually happens.
I do not blame my friends who still drive even though they probably should not.
Further, I think our elected officials should be made to use public transportation at least one day a month. Our officials are so far out of touch with reality.
Congratulations to the staff of the Quincy Quarry for last week’s 75,000 page views. That is just fantastic news.