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Quincy Quarry News hits new readers high!
A record high as a matter of fact.
Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of readers hit a new high of seventy-five thousand article views during the most recent full week of Google Analytics data.
That and so too did the Quarry’s ad revenue hit a new high.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s hard-hitting to the stones exposés are finding favor among those tired of the all too typical local news media pablum featuring the house fire and car accident of the day.
In particular, the Quarry stories finding the most favor are those about corrupt public officials.
For example, the top viewed articles were about how a former mayor of Fall River is trying to delay reporting to prison to serve a six-year term over his conviction last year in federal court for various criminal acts including corruption.
In fact, these stories scored even better reader numbers than most any past Quarry story exposing Quincy’s former number one ward heeler.
Also ranking high in the reading ratings are Quincy Quarry News’ initial tidal wave of hard-hitting exposés tied to the recent Bombogenesis Blizzard of 2022.
Clearly, from the dramatic pictures taken by Quincy Quarry’s fearless Photo Recon Team Six without any concern by team members for their safety to the Quarry’s hard-hitting to the stones busting exposés of how various City of Quincy officials and personnel have variously screwed the Q with their response to clearing the snow are finding favor from long-suffering locals.
For but one of the Quarry’s hard-hitting coverage, how La Kocha Nostra has yet again taken care of its senor capos.

Plowed down to the pavement early Sunday morning after the storm City Hall VIP parking lot even though City Hall was closed for the weekend.
Conjoined exclusive Quincy Quarry images
Also seeing serious reader eyeball counts was the Quarry’s coverage on the City of Quincy and certain city officials well-warrantedly finding themselves slapped with an $8m million wrongful death suit.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of readers can count on the Quarry to continue to follow this story, especially as it is only reasonable to expect Quincy’s peerless mayor to endeavor to slip the bill onto local taxpayers rather than see those who failed to do their jobs and worse held financially and otherwise held accountable for a death that should never have happened.
Even better for Quincy Quarry but not so much for the denizens of Quincy’s City Hall, early indications from the as yet complete and final Google Analytics for this week appear promising.
75k page views! I bet the Patriot Ledger is jealous. Keep up the excellent work!
Well done! Mayor Koch and his team must be thrilled; however, I would not be expecting a key to the city until the next administration.
Love it. Et tu Perry??
Glad we had ads on that post!! $$$