| quincy news– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A time to be serious – deadly serious.

Admittedly, Quincy Quarry started out the week past by pushing out this and that to fill e-column inches.

And at the end of the week, the Quarry plied on the only to be expected snow-jobbing tied this weekend’s near record-setting blizzard.

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Next stop: a six-year long stay at Club Fed
Image via CBS Boston

The Quarry also partook in a little schadenfreude in the middle of the week past over a former Massachusetts mayor’s impending as well as inevitable extended stay in a Club Fed even though he is not the mayor that Quincy Quarry would like to see wearing orange daily for a number of years.

Then again, if the Quarry news crew knows anything it is that good things tend to eventually happen care of those who keep chipping away against evil.

More importantly, however, was the truly big news of the week in the Q and which can only be addressed straight up.

This news: a long-anticipated wrongful death lawsuit was filed against the City of Quincy as well as also various city officials fraught with at least culpability finally hit the fan this week.

| quincy news

The deceased and his now a widow
A family photo

Next to no extended-time resident of Quincy is not aware of this tragic as well as senseless death.

Even worse, however, is how much of this tragedy is ultimately a multi-layered as well as multifaceted case of do you know who I am.

The Quarry newsroom has long been aware of many of the sordid aspects of this needless tragedy and can thus only properly hope that many of the unconscionable things still under wraps will in due course finally see the light of day.

Symbol of law and justice in the library law and justice concept

A preponderance of the evidence is a given
A file photo

In the meanwhile, one can rest assured that the City of Quincy has no basis to legally avoid paying the piper. None whatsoever.

For but starters on what is a very long list of reasons why the City of Quincy is the landlord of the bar tied to the homicide committed by someone both variously tied to the Quincy Police Department as well as allegedly protected by at least certain officers.

In turn, as Massachusetts law imposes joint and several liability, the City of Quincy is facing the obligation to make sure whatever is awarded in the way of damages is paid in full.

As such, the Quarry expects the Koch Machine will try to finesse a closed file settlement funded with taxpayers’ money so as to cover up things.  For example, so as to perhaps endeavor to protect city officials from facing personal financial liability. 

After all, one of the named defendants is the Chief of Police and who is surely but coincidently one of the mayor’s brothers-in-law. 

Fortunately, such is not likely to happen for various good and often entirely just reasons.

At least one can only properly hope so.

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