– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News.

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Where Quincy taxpayers’ money goes …
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s street ploughed?

An image was sent along to Quincy Quarry News by a Citizen Photojournalist and it is said to be a photo of a certain block of Newbury Avenue. 

In turn, per a Google Maps review by the Quarry’s intern, the photojournalist’s claim appears valid and so photo documents that the relatively narrow North Quincy street along which Quincy’s peerless mayor resides was clearly plowed during the height of the storm even if not quite as clear as one might expect.

In any event, Quincy Quarry News is most appreciative of its unexpectedly receiving this article’s featured image.

The reason: the Quarry’s renowned Photo Recon Team Six took a pass on undertaking a driveby shooting when the team was out and about taking photos last night as it found the mayor’s neighborhood especially thick with Quincy Police Cruisers.  Accordingly, Photo Recon Team Six withdrew from the scene per Quincy Quarry’s standing rules of engagement so as to mitigate the Quarry’s legal defense expenses and the cost of making bail.

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