– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News.
City of Quincy employee out shopping with a City of Quincy ride?
While out and about on the mean as well as recently cold streets of Quincy, roving Quincy Quarry News personnel happened upon something curious.
Specifically, what appeared to be per the government license plate’s M 9 prefix a likely to be City of Quincy ride that looked to be in use for a little personal shopping and perhaps other personal use.
Spotting this ride was a lucky break as the truck with the M 9 plate is both unmarked as well as not typical City of Quincy issue white, green, or black in color.

Nondescript gray color does not escape Quincy Quarry’s eagle eyes
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Rather, the color truck’s color is a nondescript gray.
Moreover, the truck featured the extra cost STX sport option which, among other mostly but design features, including sporty blacked-out trim and the like, which make it even more innocuous to anyone without an eye for such things.,
Regardless, the truck was spotted pulling up in front of a Quincy Center drug store late in the afternoon on Friday of this week and the driver then went inside for roughly eleven minutes to do whatever.
Granted, such stops are allowed so long as the vehicle’s operator is both taking a break as well as is traveling in a “relatively” straight line between a worksite and another worksite or other work-related venue.

Heading back to his ride after a little shopping while hitting the extra cost remote starter option
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
At the same time, this truck was spotted shortly after the end of the usual weekday day shift for blue-collar city employees and thus too early for taking a break if taking a break while working the swing shift.
At the same time, perhaps the vehicle’s operator was working overtime and thus on a quick allowed break between the end of a regular day shift and the start of some collecting some overtime.
Regardless, what remained inexplicably curious was the load of this and that in the truck’s bed as the items reflected a personal dump run load of odds and ends more than what one would expect in the way of City of Quincy work-related debris.

Koch-sized mini bench, a shopping bag, old chairs, and rock salt
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Specifically, on top of mostly debris for a dump run, there was a small wooden bench that one could only view as either child-sized or for use by Quincy’s peerless mayor.
Unfortunately, as the apparent city ride was unmarked, there was no ready way to know which appropriate city department head to contact for an explanation as to why this particular city truck would appear to have in use for personal business, not that anyone within the Koch Maladministration would ever respond to any inquiry from Quincy Quarry News.
That and how the Quincy Quarry personnel on the scene saw no good coming from asked the driver about his use of an apparent City of Quincy ride.
I’m sure there is a perfectly good explanation for why a city-fueled and insured work truck was parked in front of Star Market with a bed full of trash on a Friday after work.
Not likely — there will be no Blue Moons during 2022.
Who is so thirsty to get someone in trouble? Get a life. Mind ya business. People have bosses who should have a handle on doing the job. Maybe you need one!
Do you not understand that a key role of the press is to monitor the business of others? And as for bosses, this person’s boss would appears to not have a handle on things, not to mentions that this situation is further disconcerting given a taxpayers’ money angle. Finally, why do I suspect that you wouldn’t last 5 minutes taking heat from the Quarry’s City Editor to get to work on filling column inches, exposé scandals, and so on even if the Q is a target-rich setting.
Try pulling that at FedEx.
So, his wife had him working on her honey-do list
This article is absolutely ridiculous. This is 99% speculation with a few pieces of actual relevant data. One of the most important things a journalist should do is to make sure that they have a clue as to the entire situation before publishing a pile of speculative BS. You have far too much time on your hands. This is how gossip full of half-truths is started!
Frankly, Frank, you don’t seem to get it. How is one to get answers without asking questions? And it appears that you failed to note that the primary thrust of the article was to ask questions. See what I mean?
So, would it be reasonable to wonder if perhaps M 9686A might be your city ride?
Aha! You might be onto something, Bob. Frank does seem rather sensitive about this — actually defensive might be an even better term.
Do you think the mayor stands on a stool when chewing out city managers?