The $150 million Quincy police station project is behind schedule amid nationwide skyrocketing costs of lumber, steel and other materials. A City of Quincy/Kaestle Boos Associates image
– News about Quincy Massachusetts covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Yet another koched-up edifice complex
A City of Quincy/Kaestle Boos Associates image
The Quincy Police Department’s planned new headquarter delayed over soaring construction costs projections.
In what was a first for the free-spending Koch Maladministration, the latest only to be expected costs soaring over budget plans for a new Quincy Poice headquarters have been put on hold by Quincy Mayor in the hope that said to be COVID-19 caused cost increases will unwind by the end of this year.
So what if construction costs rarely moderate other than during an economic downturn.
Further note that this expectation is before an outside review might find that the planned design was going to be more expensive to build as last spring when project funding was authorized, the Koch Machine mouthpieces promised that the amount then authorized during the arguable height of COVID pandemic supply chain issues that the bond funding amount approved would be more than enough to cover the nut.
Now, however, someone and perhaps others nuts should be in a vise.

“The Beav” will surely clam up his pie hole
A City of Quincy headshot
Quincy Quarry News considered reaching out for comment from Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Kennan; however, the Quincy Quarry City Editor said to not bother as this mayoral brother-in-law has surely long been told to dodge any and all attempts by the Quarry to endeavor contact on anything.
Plus, it is fair to note that word of this latest costs soaring Koch Maladministration project was announced right before the start of a long holiday weekend and thus about as good as it gets to endeavor to slide bad news in as low under the radar as possible.
Source: Skyrocketing costs impact Quincy police station project; construction pushed back
The original $150 million price tag was a ridiculously high figure. No question the QPD needs a new headquarters but a $150 million palace is way over the top.
But, but — $150 million (pre-COVID supply chain cost increases, that is) for a new police headquarters is a relative bargain compared to Mayor Koch’s likely $200 million or thereabouts plans (again, pre-COVID) to build a 16 story combined new home for City Hall and Quincy College on the site of current Munroe Building in front of the Quincy Center T-station along Hancock Street.
Plus, an Edifice Complex jones is a tough addiction to break, our peerless mayor wants a penthouse office view, etc.