– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Piling up debris along the waterfront is a Bozo no-no.
A Citizen Photojournalist image
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Warp: Multiple whack attacks hit the Q!
In what was Quincy Quarry’s first exposé of a new year, the Quarry was quick out of the gate with an exposé on how the City of Quincy was spanked by MassDEP for dumping debris along the Black’s Creek waterfront.
So what, apparently, for the fact that the City of Quincy is already under de facto probation in the wake of its pleading out to a $100 million consent agreement over years of leaking sewerage into the Boston Harbor and thus one would think that even Koch Maladministration coatholders should have known better.
in any event, MassDEP saw to it that this City of Quincy mess was cleaned up in relatively short order, if not especially so given recent back-to-back long weekend holidays for City of Quincy City Hall denizens.
And speaking of Q-ups, Quincy Quarry News Sled Team Six let its dogs out before dawn during Friday’s snowstorm so as to see how the City of Quincy responded to the first plowable snow event of the season.
All but ideal circumstances for clearing away this snowfall notwithstanding – it fell mostly before dawn on a Friday morning, no wind, no bitter cold as well as only around upwards of ten inches of light and fluffy easily cleared snow notwithstanding, the long ongoing record of snow jobs clearing snow and ice in the VIP parking lot at City Hall before sunrise was arguably broken.
How so?
The VIP lot was only just barely cleared in time for the normal opening time for City Hall rather than the well before sunrise usual.
And then there is the ongoing matter of a Quincy School Committee member who is under a dark cloud.
The reason for the stormy weather?
Allegations of inappropriate but not said to be sexual mistreatment of female North Quincy High School basketball team members and whom he has been coaching.
Further, per past published media coverage, this is not the first time such things have been alleged.
At this point, this hot potato has been outsourced for investigation and the school committee member has been put on leave from coaching.
So far, however, there as has been no official word as regards his status with the School Committee, much less anything from the bench.
Accordingly, circumstances are still in flux and thus could break even more badly as well as potentially do so quickly given that this mess could and should have been easily avoided for reasons clearly as well as now painfully obvious.
That and by extension as long anticipated by Quincy Quarry News her sure to soon be officially announcing plans to go forward with rebuilding Boston’s bridge to the Island on its dime rather than going with ferry service as has long been dubiously as well as disingenuously pimped by various parties tied to Quincy’s Koch Machine.
Even so, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch is continuing to fight any moves by City of Boston to rebuild its bridge even if Boston has already received all of the necessary permits to do so and thus Mayor Koch is so wasting tax dollars.
A lot of tax dollars with even more likely to follow.
As such, one cannot help but wonder when local taxpayers will finally express their disinterest in continuing to fund Mayor Koch’s “kochotic” quest to stop the inevitable.
Accordingly, when local taxpayers might express that they have had it with any to perhaps even all of Mayor Koch’s free-spending ways, Quincy Quarry ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to report on it as both appropriate as well as oh so well-warranted.
Only a lazy and entitled city worker (son of somebody) would think it’s OK to dump debris at Black’s Creek.