– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

No brine or salt in advance of the storm?!?!
Heads are going to roll!!!
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Quincy City Hall snow-jobbed for a change?
Ponder the irony.
While out and about the mean and soon to be snow-covered streets of Quincy looking for news, Quincy Quarry News personnel happened up one of the most gobsmacking developments of not only this new year but also most any year.
What was found?
The City Hall VIP parking lot was not the first municipally-serviced surface in town to be salted or at least brined in advance of tonight] and into tomorrow’s snow event.
Not only did Quincy Quarry New’s renowned Photo Recon Team Six photo document that Washington Street was brined in advance of the storm, one of Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Journalist texted along with word that Sea Street had also been brined.
Granted, Best Practices recommend striving to brine within no more than several hours ahead of the start of snowfall, earlier than recommended is better than not at all.
Also granted: Quincy Quarry News’ evergrowing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to follow the story and report back if appropriate but more likely even if not.
How can this be? The mayor comes first, dessert seconds. Those are the rules!
Who follows the manufacturer’s product instructions anymore? The mayor’s exclusive parking lot was likely pre-treated yesterday or the day before. The city did away with using comment sense back in 2008.
And as could have been foreseen, there’s a mountain of snow — either piled or dumped — right in front of city hall. Right in the middle of the obsessively and ridiculously over-maintained sacred Adams Green. I guess the $30 million boondoggle/park is only important in the warmer months. Such a creative use of “open space”