– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quarry exposés the first City Hall Snow Job of the Season.
As predictable as this evening’s expecting coating to perhaps an inch of wintery mix, Quincy’s City Hall was already over-prepared.
By midday, the City Hall VIP party lot was already heavily salted.
Even so, this extreme overabundance of caution has not been provided anywhere else in Quincy.
Plus, neither is this the earliest snow jobbing at City Hall. In fact, not even close as so far the cold time of the year this year has not been all that cold.
At the same time, such does not mean that a number of snow jobs will not happen this winter.
Wow, shameless. I wish my street got the same attention!
“Even so, this extreme overabundance of caution has not been provided anywhere else in Quincy.”
Though true, that’s being kind — the fact is that not a goddamn speck of salt has been put down on any of the city’s streets. At least not the ones I’ve driven on today — from N. Quincy to W. Quincy.
Maybe tomorrow, after the flurries pass by, there will be a deluge of brine and a regular blizzard of salt — out of an abundance of whatever. This IS the Q.
With the past as all but certain prologue, expect overtime scheduled after the end of today’s day shift at the DPW to address the chance of scattered flurries tonight.
After all, it’s way easier to drive around spreading salt and brine for a couple of hours after a dayshift and so score at least half a shift of OT rather than to have to come in early the wee hours of the morning before the start of the day shift.