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Monkeying around as usual
A file photo ss
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Monkey business as usual.
The week after Thanksgiving turned out to be a turkey of a week.
Quells surprise …
First up, on Sunday past, Quincy Mayor Tom Koch pulled a Grinch by taking credit for Christmas when the Quincy Christmas Parade returned to the Q after suffering a COVID-19 pandemic cancellation last year.
That and Mayor Koch did so with an assist from a slush fund which is funded by people whose contributions are secret.
Again, quelle surprise during the reign of the Koch Maladministration as it all but invariably takes credit for most everything good but never acknowledges any blame, especially when deserved.

Don’t mess with me
A Columbia Pictures image
Fortunately, we all know who knows who has been naughty and who has been nice.
That and he has ready access to a whole lot of coal.
Then again, everyone loves a parade, not to mention almost as much as how everyone in the Quincy Quarry newsroom loves a multiple perps perp walk.
Next up, on Monday, Quincy Quarry found Quincy Center’s latest bridge to nowhere open for use even though construction work is still in process along the Burgin Park Raceway.
No public fanfare, about the opening, however.
Then again, the bridge was dedicated eleven weeks ago with great fanfare as well as at considerable koched-up expense per the Koch Machine’s grandiose wicked way over the top usual.
Further, the surely massive traffic flow improvement provided by the bridge’s opening up for use was short-lived as the bridge was again closed off to public use by Wednesday as well as also without any notice.
Next up, what is a week in Quincy without a koched-up slicing of pork?
In this case, a short run of residential street with but ten mostly seven-figure homes is seeing a complete makeover, including new underground utility lines.
Per Quincy Quarry’s construction advisor, this less than a thousand-foot road job likely ran north of $200,000.
How much north, however, WTQ knows.
Also note that rumor has it the gas company was stuck with footing the bill rather than local taxpayers even if the rework was apparently tied to the upgrading of utility service to the not exactly nearby FoxRock redevelopment of the former Quincy Medical Center.
One would think that the developer should cover at least a fair chunk of the nut, but apparently not in Kochlandia.
Actually, more like definitely never in Kochlandia, especially for those who regularly lay out large largess to the Koch Committee.
“Then again, the bridge was dedicated eleven weeks ago with great fanfare as well as at considerable koched-up expense per the Koch Machine’s grandiose wicked way over the top usual.”
Yes, and it could reasonably be argued that it was done so at the expense of other long-standing city events.