– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

MassDOT worker in a yellow safety vest on the sidewalk, center left
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Quincy Center Generals Bridge to nowhere now open but still to nowhere.
Yet again Quincy Quarry is scooping a major exposé of something going down in Quincy.
While out and about on the mean streets of Quincy looking for news on Monday, Quincy Quarry personnel happened up a remarkable development: the Generals Bridge to nowhere is open for use, not that anyone actually used the bridge while the Quarry was on the scene.
Nor has Quincy Quarry since found any sort of the usual public notice of the bridge’s opening.
Granted, while MassDOT was still working on some final touches tied to the bridge’s construction along the Burgin Park Raceway and thus a lane of traffic was closed, at least the bridge is now finally open for use by the public eleven weeks after the bridge was formally dedicated via the spending of a roughly quarter of a million spent over at least two days and which was hosted by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.

I do it my way …
A Quincy Quarry News meme
At the same time, it was disconcerting to Quarry personnel that there was no police detail on the scene to help protect the workers from traffic racing along the Burgin Park Raceway as they worked to finish up construction work along the raceway that was necessary given Quincy’s latest bridge to nowhere.
Then again, it was only reasonable to suspect that why there was no police detail was in place today was at least somewhat influenced by the fact that a massive number of details and likely overtime imposed on Sunday in support of Quincy Mayor Tom Koch’s Christmas Parade greatly undercut the available pool of those willing to work another detail the next day.
In any event, Quincy Quarry must still only properly again exposé one of the permanent safety concerns about the new bridge.
Specifically, the modest solar-powered flashing yellow light crosswalk system utilized to (perhaps, ed.) stop traffic racing along the Burgin Park Raceway so that pedestrians utilizing the Generals Bridge might be able to endeavor to cross the raceway.
Per Quincy Quarry New’s exclusive video taken at no small risk to Quarry personnel recording it, one can instead only hope that pedestrian traffic will be light given that there is very little reason for anyone or even a chicken to cross the road at this point along the raceway, much less manage to do so safely on most any of the ever-increasingly mean streets of Quincy.
Will the Holy Grail Generals Bridge be receiving the same ridiculous OCD treatment as the turf and hardscaping at City Hall? Maybe a few more hires to be bridge cleaning “specialists” will be required.
And maybe arrange for an ambulance and a referee to be on hand full-time for the Burgin Park Raceway Crossing Olympics.
Editor’s note: as additional personnel was added to the roster of maintenance workers already dedicated to take care of Kim Jong Kong Plaza, Kilroy Square (the plaza adjacent to The Fours), and the new landscaping where once there was the Ross Garage via Mayor Koch’s FY 2022 budget, one can only assume that more hack hires will soon follow to take care of his beloved new bridge.
At first I thought I should have my eyes checked, but on further scrutiny of the lead photo for this story I no longer think so. It boggles the mind that in lieu of standard traffic lights, there’s merely a stop sign for cars exiting the generally silly bridge onto the Burgin Park Raceway. Add to this the lack of real crossing lights for pedestrians trying to cross the Raceway and that’s a clear recipe for disaster.