In just five days, Quincy school officials have reported the use of hate speech among students at the city’s high schools.

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Old Quincy High is still not resting in peace
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

The Quincy Public Schools Superintendent reports two more recent hate speech incidents among high school students.

This week’s fight in the halls of Quincy High School that was fueled by a racially hostile video that has apparently been floating about via the Internet for the past year is not the only troubling incident of late within local public schools.

Reports the South Shore broadsheet, schools officials have further acknowledged that both North Quincy High School and Quincy High School students were reportedly further sharing video and audio files containing sexual harassment and hate speech on social media.

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Mayor Koch appears to be MIA
A Quincy Quarry PhotoShop Phun Team meme

So far, however, no official statement from Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch and who as mayor is also the chair of Quincy’s School Committee.

Rather, as near at Quincy Quarry can tell by searching media reports and relevant social media, Mayor Koch looks to have instead been focusing on the recent passing of former Quincy Mayor Frank McCauley as well as pimping for Veterans Day photo ops.

Source: Quincy officials report 2 ‘hate speech’ incidents among high school students in 5 days

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