In just five days, Quincy school officials have reported the use of hate speech among students at the city’s high schools.
The Quincy Public Schools Superintendent reports two more recent hate speech incidents among high school students.
This week’s fight in the halls of Quincy High School that was fueled by a racially hostile video that has apparently been floating about via the Internet for the past year is not the only troubling incident of late within local public schools.
Reports the South Shore broadsheet, schools officials have further acknowledged that both North Quincy High School and Quincy High School students were reportedly further sharing video and audio files containing sexual harassment and hate speech on social media.
So far, however, no official statement from Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch and who as mayor is also the chair of Quincy’s School Committee.
Rather, as near at Quincy Quarry can tell by searching media reports and relevant social media, Mayor Koch looks to have instead been focusing on the recent passing of former Quincy Mayor Frank McCauley as well as pimping for Veterans Day photo ops.
Source: Quincy officials report 2 ‘hate speech’ incidents among high school students in 5 days
Wǒ tóngyì.
It figures that the mayor would choose a photo opportunity with veterans who have actually served our country in uniform instead of duly serving the parents and students in our community as he was elected to do.
The military has a term for a guy like our elected mayor: “a coward.” Mayor Koch needs to get out of the chow line, man up, and do his damn job!
Racism should never be tolerated in Quincy!
Gunny is spot on; racism needs to be addressed and not tolerated. A strong TONE needs to come FROM THE TOP!
Thank you for your restraint.
It is very telling that these local high school students spoke up to condemn racism all but right in front of Mayor Koch’s office in City Hall.
I wonder whose desk the mayor hid under?
If only one of the city halls had some sort of balcony, where the lord mayor/chair of the school committee could stand, looking out on the crowd, spouting inanities, platitudes, hackneyed clichés, and the general BS he’s noted for. But there is no balcony, and there was not even a podium hastily placed on the front steps of city hall (A dandy place for a photo-op!). Alas, no — not so much as a whisper. Nothing. Nada. Crickets.