– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Public Buildings Department wall job’s it?
In the wake of ongoing Quincy Quarry News coverage dogging the Koch Maladministration over the problematic care of the City of Quincy’s Public Buildings Department’s current office space on Saville Avenue (imagine above), the Quarry has opted to yet again follow up on the problems with the Public Buildings’ long impending move to a new headquarters at 74 Greenfield Street.
Reasons for doing so include that it has been a relatively slow news week in the Q.

Nothing like a little butt crack on the job …
Click on the image to better see it if you dare
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
In any event, the Greenleaf property was bought by the Koch Administration over four years ago.
Additionally, the City of Quincy’s Public Buildings Commissioner concurrently went on the record at a city council meeting stating that the funding to both buy the building and a bit over $100,000 more to cover projected repair needs would so allow his department to move out of its woefully rundown office space behind Quincy High School by around the start of the New Year.
What New Year, however, was not made as clear as it could have been as Public Buildings’ pending new home is still undergoing renovation.

A new fountain – most every City of Quincy project these days has to have a fountain …
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
But at least there is some good news for abutters of the Greenleaf street property given Quincy Quarry News’ long dogging the Koch Maladministration over this long-delayed project.
As eposéd by the Quarry, the property was long a rundown eyesore.
Now, however, at least the renewal of the outside of the building is fast approaching completion given the replacement of old windows with custom architectural restoration grade windows and a much-needed paint job.
That and a dubious landscaping feature.
At what cost, however, who only knows how far past the original low six-figure budget.
After all, as Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know all too well, financial transparency is a practice which the Koch Administration has little experience.
If any.
Case in point, just the new windows and their installation alone surely ran more than the original renovation budget.
Then again, what koched-up project doesn’t run over budget?
If not also way over budget.
And perhaps even more important as regards a hint as to how much over budget in this instance, Quincy Quarry News drone camera images show that the interior walls of the Greenleaf property have stripped down to their studs and so clearly indicating further as well as considerable cost overruns, not that such will likely ever be readily acknowledged by Mr. Grumpy, the head of the City of Quincy’s Public Buildings Department, absent yet another well-deserved grilling by the City Council.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News is thus planning to address yet another display of thin skin by Mr. Snippy when he might next yet again be grilled at a city council meeting as to why this long-running project is still running both late as well as surely over budget.
Plus, what will Public Buildings be doing to find itself a new home as Quincy Quarry fully expects that there is a secret Koch Maladministration plan to relocate the Quincy Hysterical Society to the Greenleaf property when the hystericals sweetheart deal of a 50-year lease runs out at its current Adams Academy building location out next year.
That and given Mayor Koch’s plans to convert the Adams Academy building into a municipally-operated Adams Presidential Library.
So what, apparently, for the fact that one can only reasonably expect that Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch will not be able to force a return of President John Adams library from the Boston Public Library, much less see the Koch Maladminstartn secure control of the books which were never to the best of Quincy QUarry’s understanding ever benefacted by President Adams to the municipal ownership by the then Town of Quincy.
Further, given Mayor Koch’s intransigence as regards his doomed quixotic quest to block the City of Boston’s plans to rebuild its Long Island Bridge, one can only assume that the Quincy will likely not even be allowed to obtain a Boston Library library card so as to perhaps be able to but occasionally check out even but one volume from the Adams Collection.
When it’s not your money there is NO budget.