Check out Zumper’s latest Boston Metro Rent Report to see the most and least expensive cities and cities with the fastest growing rents.
Quincy apartment rental rates sixth-highest among Metro Boston bedroom communities per Zumper.
As should come as no great surprise to Quincy renters, apartment rental rates in Quincy have soared in recent years.
What is a surprise is that Quincy rental rates are eleven percent higher than in “Snooton” as well as but $100 lower than the average rental rate in Brookline.
Boston Metro Cities Ranked by One Bedroom Rent according to Zumper:
1 Cambridge $2500
2 Boston $2300
3 Woburn $2240
4 Brookline $2200
5 Revere $2150
6 Quincy $2100
7 Everett $2010
8 Somerville $2000
9 Newton $1910
10 Waltham $1880
11 Framingham $1850
12 Lawrence $1840— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) September 6, 2021
Needless to say, these data can only add to the criticism of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch for all but failing to address Quincy’s lack of affordable housing while at the same time the Koch Machine has been doing whatever he can to accommodate real estate developers developing higher to much higher rental rate high-end residential projects.
Koch’s “accommodations” range from providing favored developers with all manner of favorable building code variances to in two cases providing upwards of 8 figures worth of incentives to each of these projects’ respective developers.
On the other hand, surely it was but a coincidence that the developers who have benefited the most were all but exclusively those who have showered thousands to tens of thousands of dollars in campaign “donations” to Mayor Koch, including his receiving over $100,000 from parties tied to one firm that was fined for making illegal campaign donations to Koch and others.
Also surely but a coincidence, another developer who received favorable treatment from the Koch Machine also dropped many thousands of dollars of variously illegal campaign “donations” Mayor Koch’s way, only to later be hit with a $250,000 fine, the second-largest such fine in state history.

Showering in poorly laundered manna from developers
Further but a coincidence, per a nuanced review of these illegal campaign “donations,” it would clearly appear that they were likely bundled with other donations so that La Kocha Nostra might be able to curry favor both up the food chain as well as throw a few crumbs to certain local tools on stools among the City Council membership.
Source: Boston Metro Report
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