– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News

School of the terrorized school girls
Quincy Quarry News Photo
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch is looking to cheat school girls as payback over past humiliations deservedly inflicted upon him on the behalf of local school girls.
In what is so far the hottest Quincy Quarry News exposé of this year’s looking to be record-setting hot summer, the Quarry is scooping its Metro Boston area media brethren with its exclusive coverage of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s arguably most audacious effort at grifting to date per documents in the Quarry’s possession.
Then again, quelle surprise that the Quarry is breaking the story as only it has the stones to exposé how an apparently vindictive sore loser appears to be facilitating the local old boys’ network of city fathers to yet again endeavor to rip off the school girls at the Woodward School for Girls.
So what, apparently, for the fact that the Koch Machine’s past pressings of things in court on this matter ended up running up the cost to local taxpayers to a total of roughly $5 million or so to date, all costs included, on top of all manner court-ordered damages awarded care of long ago shaky land deals as well as dubious handlings of other assets formerly held in trusteeship by the City of Quincy for the benefit of the Adams Temple and School Fund and which makes up the bulk of the Woodward School for Girl’s endowment.
And as for how vindictive, Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s apparent grudge goes back at least a decade.
In his latest act of arguably bullying schoolgirls, Mayor Koch’s consigliere filed with the court the paperwork to take by eminent domain (just, ed.) the Adams Academy building and which is currently occupied by the Quincy Hysterical Society as but a $100 a month in rent-paying tenant per a shaky as well as sweetheart fixed rent lease agreement negotiated by city fathers a half a century ago to the benefit of the hystericals.
While the eminent domain-taking filings are public records, the Koch Machine has not duly announced to the public this problematic taking for reasons to become obvious given the following.
Just how is the taking problematic?
As one can only expect with anything involving the Koch Maladministration, the problems facing it are multiple, considerable, and often self-inflicted.
For starters, La Kocha Nostra’s consiglieri is claiming that the City of Quincy owns the land underneath the building and thus is claiming that the city only has to pay for taking the building.
So what for the fact that multiple court rulings and a finding have found that the land was part of the Adam Temple and School Fund and which is clearly indicated was the intent of benefactor and homeboy President John Adams.
Even so, the consiglieri is most curiously endeavoring to foist an outrageously conflated pimping of two centuries-old paperwork as assigning the title of the land to the then-Town of Quincy.
So what for the fact that judicial estoppel, among legal doctrines, precludes the Koch Machine from reopening matters already decided against it all the way up the Supreme Judicial Court.
In other words, the argument by the Koch Machine is ultimately an ask for a mulligan on fully adjudicated matters but which will all but assuredly not be granted for reasons obvious.
Also so what for the fact that the consiglieri is basically 0 for who only knows how many cases that he has taken up on appeal over the years as Mayor Koch’s mouthpiece.
Further, so what for the fact that the law is clear that a trustee cannot simply take possession of any assets placed with it for safekeeping for the benefit of the beneficiary of someone or something else.

“I eat morons like you for breakfast …”
A Paramount Television image
Further yet problematic, the Koch Machine is so endeavoring to blow off as irrelevant the finding of Supreme Judicial Court Presiding Justice Kimberly Budd late last year that the City of Quincy had no standing as regards any interest in or control of any sort of the land after the city was stripped of the trusteeship.
That and, again, given that the City of Quincy has variously been ordered to pay out damages per courts various numbers of years ago for cause – in brief as well as again, over mismanagement, duplicitous self-dealing, and worse.
Even further yet, after the adverse finding by Chief Justice Budd, the Koch Machine’s consiglieri first appealed for an en banc hearing by all of the Supreme Judicial Court membership in the (foolish, ed.) hope that the full court would overturn the chief justice’s unarguably proper finding, only to later tell the court that an en banc hearing was no longer needed as the City of Quincy had filed to take possession of (but, ed.) the Adams Academy building via an eminent domain taking at a price to be determined in court.
In short, representatives of the chauvinist and all but lily-white Koch Machine so told the black female who is the top state jurist to essentially pound sand in a matter involving a girls’ school and which there is a clear, ugly, and adjudicated history of bullying and worse of the school by Quincy city fathers over roughly seventy years.
Accordingly, while currently far from clear if it might be possible to impose, one cannot help but wonder if the court may find the City of Quincy in contempt of court over its apparent withholding of the land deed, if not also perhaps impose a late payment penalty for failing to duly turn over the deed to the Adams Temple and School Trust years ago.
After all, Rules 1 through at least 5 for an attorney when arguing a case in court is to not raise the ire of the presiding judge whereas La Kocha Nostra’s apparent so-called legal strategy is only asking for trouble as well as is apparently fueled by the depth of the motivation of the Koch Machine to inflict payback upon school girls.
Even more depraved, in the court of public opinion the Koch Machine is disingenuously wrapping around its base actions the assumed to be protective mantle of the mayor’s call for turning the Adams Academy property, along with two adjacent properties, into a venue for an Adams Presidental Library to house mostly John Adams’ personal library collection that is currently safe and secure care of its over century-long custody by the Boston Public Library.
So what also, apparently, for the fact that the City of Quincy also has no compelling legal basis to claim control, much less ownership, of the all but priceless Adams book collection.
That and like the Boston Brahmins on the Boston Public Library Board of Trustees are going to turn over the books to the City of Quincy with a fight, much less is the City of Boston going to just agree to any such transfer after the years of Mayor Koch playing a losing game of the delay game to stop Boston’s plans to rebuild the Long Island bridge on its own dime.
Plus, there is a solid argument that if anyone other than the Boston Public Library has control of the books, it would not be the City of Quincy but rather the Woodward School for Girls.
Further, there is the matter of costs – including all manners of costs yet to be duly acknowledged.
In addition to the likely looking to be the total for but the costs of the proposed property purchases to run $17 million or thereabouts rather than the city council approved but $9 million bond to fund these purchases, the Koch Maladministration has so far further failed to properly detail the surely many millions more that it would cost to realize Mayor Koch’s latest pipe dream of an Edifice Complex to fully build out the nation’s only municipally-owned and operated presidential library.
Also unmentioned is the likely upwards of a million dollars a year that would be needed to staff, operate, and maintain both the proposed library as well as conserve the roughly three thousand books collection.
Instead, the Koch Machine’s consiglieri has talked up that the maladministration plans to pay but roughly $2.2 million to the Adams Temple and School Fund for the Adams Academy building but nothing for the land even if – and again – the legal history clearly indicates that the land is part of the fund’s holdings, not to mention that setting a price is ultimately up to the court to bless after the trustee for the Adams Temple and School Fund has had a say in things.
Conversely, the Koch Maladministration is proposing to pay $6.7 million for the two adjacent properties which total up to but roughly two-thirds the size of the Adams Academy building venue. That and facilitate a manner of land swap for the seller as a further solid at an only to be expected likely cost to local taxpayers yet to be disclosed.
In turn, per an interpolation of the germane data, $10 million would instead appear to be a reasonable projection as to what to expect that the City of Quincy would have to pay to obtain the Adams Academy property via an adverse municipal taking.
In other words, Mayor Koch can only reasonably be seen as trying to bully school girls out of roughly $8 million in lunch money.
“President John Adams created the Adams Temple and School Fund to benefit the religious and educational interests of the inhabitants of Quincy – the trust was not created to benefit the municipal needs of the City of Quincy.”
“Were he to be with us today, President Adams would, most assuredly, not be pleased with the events of the past fifty-seven years.”
Robert W. Langlois, First Justice Norfolk Probate and Family Court, February 11, 2011
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quincy to continue its hard-hitting coverage into the soft underbellies of the shameless bullies of the Koch Maladministration on this as well as any and all other such outrageous actions endeavored by La Kocha Nostra.

WWE Hall of Fame member, right; heat taking heel, left. An Andrew Savulich/NY Daily News/Getty Images image
That and count on the newshounds at Quincy Quarry to relentlessly do what all will all but assuredly be needed to cut through the bogus kayfabe foisted by the Koch Machine as its bovine byproduct in this matter clearly looks to be heading to be hit with all manner of smackdowns in various courts.
That and report with glee each and every three-count as Mayor Koch is all but assuredly pinned to the canvas in each and every upcoming bout in court.
Gee, what other gang that’s currently front page news seems to have trouble with schools — particularly girls’ schools?
Why someone doesn’t run against this obvious twerp is beyond me. Quincy citizens are fed up with his constant need for ego stroking by tearing this city apart. VOTE HIM OUT!