Sticking with his day job: Norfolk County Treasurer Mike Bellotti says he will be withdrawing his bid for an at Large Quincy City Councilor seat reports the South Shore broadstreet.
– News about Quincy covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Norfolk County Treasurer Michael Bellotti drops out of the Quincy city council race.
After setting tongues wagging with all manner of speculation via his all but last-minute beating of the germane deadlines to make an unexpected as well as curious bid for a City of Quincy at Large City Councilor seat, Norfolk County Treasurer and Quincy homeboy Belotti just as suddenly pulled the plug on this campaign.
While Treasurer Belottii claimed that demands on his time care of his day job as Norfolk County’s treasurer as well as his family responsibilities fueled his decision, Quincy Quarry finds the points made by a commenter on the Shore Shore Broadsheet as more plausible.

The way things work in the smoke-filled backrooms of Norfolk County
A Cassius Marcellus Coolidge image
The commenter opined that” … more likely that it dawned upon Mr. Bellotti or was perhaps explained to him that given his day job as the Norfolk County Treasurer if he were elected to an at Large seat on the Quincy City Council that he would likely have to recuse himself on any discussions involving Quincy as his office prepares to divvy up $137 million in federal COVID relief funding whereas he will not have to to do so if he does not pursue (and then does not win, ed.) a Quincy City Counsel seat.”
“On the other hand, perhaps Bellotti simply doesn’t want to be hit with the ire of his Squantum neighbors when the City of Quincy all but assuredly loses in court with its efforts to block the City of Boston’s plans to rebuild its Long Island bridge.”

Still to be stuck at no more than 3 guaranteed votes
Illumination Entertainment/Universal Pictures image
In turn, about all Quincy Quarry can add is that it can readily fathom a scenario wherein Belloti might have peeled away support from an incumbent good old boy on the council and so fail to boost the number of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s tools on stools in the council.
Source: Bellotti drops out of Quincy city council race, at-large field narrows to 4
Yes, his sudden candidacy was a transparent ploy to help further his buddy Koch’s lunatic agenda, in the face of a series of adverse votes by the city council.
In turn, his sudden withdrawal may now indicate that he wasn’t all that comfortable with the possibility of being considered a Koch tool.
Oh man! Another two years of listening to Councilor Mahoney spin her wheels will be agony, but I guess that’s life.
That’s right — that’s life. Stop your whining.
Sorry if I came off as whining. It must get frustrating for her to get shut down 95% of the time. She visibly looked angry during the council meetings this year.
You might care to note that Quincy Quarry flash voter polling found that Baloney could well split a key voter demographic and so perhaps bump Boner rather than accomplish the Koch Machine’s desired goal of taking out Ms. Mahoney. Maybe not enough for the other challenger to break through for a show finish, but still a potentially amusing enough ironic outcome nonetheless.
Pretty sure Councilor Mahoney was the odd man out in this one. But we will never know.
Hey Chris — it’s the weekend, a hot summer weekend — you’re supposed to be luxuriating at the Cape, or pissing in your pool or something. How are you finding time in your thrilling life to post another one of your inane comments here? You’re hooked and you can’t give it up. Or are you just another Koch tool following orders?
I have good WiFi by the pool.
You’re hooked. Or do you get bonus pay for being a shill for the Koch regime?
I get good WiFi by the pool
You’ve positively confirmed that Ms. Mahoney was, in fact, the target of Bellotti’s candidacy.
Suck it up.
Just speculation but it seemed pretty obvious right? He runs she loses. But I guess we will never know now.
Obvious why he pulled papers, sure. Far from sure if he would have kicked Mahoney to the curb, however. After all, sudden as well as out of the blue claims of family demands is the most threadbare of an excuse going for bailing.
Obviously the scheme didn’t pan out. Apparently Bellotti isn’t a Koch sucker — like you.
Crude. I prefer not to work blue. Profanity is a sure sign of ignorance. Shame on you.
Koch sucker, excellent!
So you’re saying that Koch is a dirty word — a profanity.
Got it. You’ll be quoted on that.
It’s crystal clear that Chris — by his own definition — is ignorant. But that was a given, in any case. He’s merely confirmed it. He thinks his pal Koch is an obscenity or a profanity or whatever.
I think Chris has a dirty pig mind.
What if I called your mother a Koch sucker? See doesn’t feel so good.
Coming from you it would be a laugh and 1/2. Because you are a sucker. And you are a sucker for Koch so you’re a Koch sucker. Pig mind.
That’s a pretty sleazy way to take a cheap shot at Marie L. even for you. But that’s all you’ve got — cheap shots. Sucker. And why do you, of all people, consider Koch to be a dirty word?
Fredzo? More like Bozo! You just got served you vermin.
Oh, no . . . such scathing repartee from the Koch sucker.
Actually, allusion is a sign of cleverness. It is also allowed per Quarry editorial policy, if not also encouraged. That and allowing ultimately self-damaging bluster.
Big words from a guy who sponges off the Gunther Toodies WIFI.
Do you have any idea how much the owners have missed the presence of its regulars during the pandemic? Just the monitoring of druggies and crazies alone is much appreciated. Plus, advising what the grifters inside of 1305 are scheming so as to do their landlord a low 8 figure solid is an added bonus.
Wow! Nice way to refer to people who suffer from substance abuse and mental illness. A bit hypocritical of you also I think. Have you no shame. People have real struggles and for you to just call them “druggies and crazies” is just adding to the problem. Maybe take this rag and try to do something helpful.
The baloney meter is registering high activity.
Chris you ought to give up while you’re still behind. Sucker.
How goes it with your widely as well as publicly acknowledged habit? Asking for a friend.
Wow! So this is what garbage people are truly like. This isn’t a newspaper it’s a rag.
And here you are — every day, like clockwork — sucking it up.
Chris: Are you unaware of the fact that acknowledgment is the first step towards a possible recovery? Do you need a list of local meetings and contact information?
All set Jim I got the list from your mother last night.
Hooked like a fish.
And employing your signature childish retorts — a quintessential sucker.
A dirty-minded Koch sucker.
Speaking of fish Fredzo that reminds me to say hi to your mother for me.
As is amply clear, Quincy Quarry imposes precious few limits upon commenters to its stories even when more than well-warranted. Dissing mothers as you did, however, warrants a “Yellow Card” and which the Quarry will impose a “Red Card” given any further such impropriety.
Typical childish response from the Koch sucker.
Say, Chris . . . are you a masochist, by any chance?
Ever hear of sentence structure? No? How about punctuation at grammar school grade level? I didn’t think so.
Anyway, what the heck is this “fish Fredzo” that you speak of? Sounds like some sort of exotic cuisine. Do you enjoy sucking that up too?