– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News
Have Quincy Kim Jong Koch Plaza maintenance efforts crossed over to tacit control by Quincy Quarry News?
As should come as likely no great surprise to the ever-growing legions of Quincy Quarry News readers, a number of City of Quincy employees also follow the Quarry.
Just how many, however, is only know within Quincy Quarry’s analytics’ department as Quarry management does not trust the marketing department to keep their yaps shut.
In any event, it is reasonable to suggest that many city workers probably read Quincy Quarry News for comic relief from their daily grinds even if their reading the Quarry is NSFW.
At the same time, Quincy Quarry News’ data analysts long ago were able to spot that senior capos of La Kocha Nostra as well as capos wannabes followed Quincy Quarry News and which in turn one can only reasonably assume that many were tasked to spy on the Quarry.
After all, given all of the exposés by the Quarry of the myriad of shortcomings of the Koch Maladministration over the years, even the Koch Machine has to realize that trying to clean up its so exposéd messes as soon as possible thereafter is surely a good idea.
Not that ever acknowledging the shortcomings of the maladministration is ever going to happen voluntarily as well as unilaterally, however, much less acknowledging the motivation for finally addressing the underlying problem(s).
Then again, never ever acknowledging culpability for anything is the de facto prime directive of the Koch Machine.
Even so, so endeavoring to cover the Koch Machine’s tukas by following the Quarry comes at a cost as it boosts the Quarry’s Google AdSense ad revenue by further boosting Quincy Quarry’s eyeball counts.
Even better, the Koch Maladministration’s attempts at damage control so baits follow-up exposés.
That and so further boosting the Quarry’s eyeball counts via a virtuous circle of a sort.
In the latest incident, Quincy Quarry photo-documented how taking care of the weeding of the way-overplanted as well as variously otherwise even more over the top Kim Joch Koch Plaza was falling short.
Way short.
Then again, quelle surprise …
Further, in spite of Kim Jong Koch Plaza having city employees assigned to its Snow Team Six and whose team members are so exclusively designated to see the plaza maintained to a level that surely impresses even Felix Unger, within but not all that many hours after Quincy Quarry exposed Snow Team Six’s falling short on the weeding of the plaza, reinforcements from the Department of Natural Resources, (née Park and Recreation) were brought in to cover Snow Team Six members’ tukas.
So what if just reopened last year after a major renovation Kincade Field is in inexcusable shape and thus far more deserving of such special support.
Even so, the reinforcements were made by Quincy Quarry personnel.
Quincy Quarry’s fearless as well as peerless Photo Team Six both quickly as well as stealthily documented how Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six’s weeding shortcomings were addressed and as Photo Team Six has often done previously in support of all but innumerable past Quincy Quarry News exposés.
In short, photographing ducks in a barrel.
Driving by on SUNDAY afternoon, I noted there was someone on either a riding mower or some sort of small tractor doing something. A double-time waste of taxpayer money.
You will pleased to know that some maintenance sorts of City of Quincy job slots have 5 day work weeks that include at least part of a weekend at regular time payrates. No clue, however, if the worker you spotted was working straight time or weekend premium cha-CHING time pay. After all, we’re talking Kochlandia.
I see.
Regardless, there’s an inordinate waste of resources being poured into over-maintaining this park. But I guess a $30 million(+) boondoggle has to be groomed to death.
The Hancock-Adams Common stone block looks like a tomb.
Shame about that giant thistle.