– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Public Buildings Department Public Humiliation Works! Part V
Quincy Quarry continues to follow the somewhat recent shaming of the City of Quincy’s Public Buildings Commissioner by the Quincy City Council over the long deplorable condition of his departments’ office buildings as well as the just as sorry condition of the street his department’s headquarters is located.
Granted, street maintenance is not this particular patronage hack hire’s responsibility; however, such particulars have never stopped the Quarry from duly pounding on the Koch Machine whenever it fails to deliver.
In this Quincy Quarry story, the Quarry is focusing on the massive heavy equipment presence on a but short and narrow street as well as the active working that was found to be underway on one of the many sorry streets in Quincy.
Needless to say, the full-court press of actually working hard to redo this street and its sidewalks was the result of relying on outside contractors as opposed to what would happen if city workers had been tasked with doing the work.
Also, needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry working this still-evolving story for all it is worth.
That and likely then some more, if not a lot more.
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