Two dozen goats from a farm in a bucolic part of New York state are on a city outing – let loose in Manhattan’s Riverside Park on Wednesday to munch on invasive weeds. Image via the New York Post
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
“They’re baaaaack!” Two dozen goats eat their way through an overgrown New York City park.
As Quincy Quarry New’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know, the old goats in the Quincy Quarry newsroom have a soft spot for goats that goes well past the fact that goat kids are wicked cute.
Reasons for the Quarry’s finding favor with goats include that adult goats are tough enough to take on clearing out undergrowth to the ground in “Goatham.”
Goats are unrelenting while on the job as well as are both a low cost as well as an environmentally green way to clear undergrowth which often includes noxious plants such as poison ivy, poison sumac, and the like.
Not only do they clear out undergrowth as well as other sorts of trash from roughly five feet high down to the ground without the need of fossil fuel or variously problematic electric power, but their hooves also break up and so aerate soil as well as that the bupkis they leave behind provides organic fertilizer for desired vegetation.
Even better, goats are quiet while on the job, restive to observe while they graze as well as also can be fun to watch as one can see on the videos posted here.
Unfortunately, while goats have been used by FoxRock to clear undergrowth on their property that once was the location of the now-former Quincy Medical Center and so was about that only thing done by FoxRock in Quincy Center that its abutters have found favor, the Koch Maladministration has resisted using them to clear overgrown city property at sites such as parts of Faxon Park and elsewhere even if one recently retired city councillor long and often championed their use while he was in office.
Why not, however, has never been explained by the maladministration as per its standard operating procedure on just about anything asked of it.
Even so, one can only reasonably expect that the Koch Machine much prefers providing jobs selectively and so scoring the usual five or so family members and friends’ votes in return for each hack hire so as to bolster its power of incumbency than cost-effectively relying on unable to vote and thus non-partisan as well as far harder working goats.
Source: ‘They’re baaaaack’: Two dozen goats eat their way through New York park
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