— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

Work started after humiliation but will it turn out to be a wall job?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Quincy Public Buildings Department Public Humiliation Works?
Part II – The beatdown continues!
Quincy Quarry News continues its coverage of how one might be able to shame the City of Quincy into finally taking care of at least some public buildings, public spaces, and local streets not immediately around City Hall.
To this end, an undercover Quincy Quarry reporter interviewed the plucky as well as well-past fed up local whose letter to the City Council ended up being used by the council called the City of Quincy Commissioner of Public Buildings, a dubiously qualified and clearly less than capable mayoral bff, on the carpet over the commissioner’s inability to keep his own department’s office buildings in proper condition.
The long-suffering local’s kvetching included a wholly warranted addressing of how the relatively busy side street upon which he has owned a home for over several decades is also street where both the Public Buildings office buildings are located as well as is the access way to the massive as well as busy Presidents Place garage has long been a street that is but a patchwork collection of pothole repairs.
A whole lot of potholes.
Amazingly, during this Quincy Quarry News exclusive interview, a representative of the Public Buildings Department stopped by to advise the long-suffering local that both the emergency repairs to the rundown Public Building building next to his home that commenced after the Commissioner beatdown by the City Council would be completed “shortly” as well as that repaving the street would commence “around” July 12.
No mention of what year, however.

Certain DPW workers doing what they are known for doing …
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry is going with the over and as it always does whenever the Koch Maladministration announces a projected project start date.
In any event, while the entirely warranted as well as long kvetching homeowner was not formally advised of the reconstruction of his street so he could prepare for being so blocked off during construction, he is willing to graciously let the failure to properly effect notice slide so long as the long past overdue road work is actually completed by the middle of August.
Middle of August of this year, that is.
Needless to say, in the meanwhile as well as probably thereafter, Quincy Quincy will continue to monitor events and so perpetual the beatdown of the often snippy when duly criticized Public Buildings Department Commissioner.
After all, when the Quarry has someone light up to feature, it has a tendency to toss even more fuel on the fire.
In fact, as much as possible.
And then even some more yet.
For example, how the Department of Public Buildings’ main building would look to also be violating local fire safety as well as building codes.
And a given will be an upcoming featured exposé on how it has taken so far four years to see the Public Buildings Department perhaps finally be close to completing what the Commissioner long ago said would be a bit over a $100,000 as well as a quick to be completed renovation of a nearby roughly hundred-year-old mansion building for use as but a transitional home for the Public Buildings Department.
Plus, it is a slow time of the year for news and thus this ongoing Charlie Foxtrot will surely make for especially pithy exposés of the Koch Maladministration.
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