— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Summertime and even more proposed spending is easy!
In a move that surprised even the hard-bitten and even harder drinking cynics in the Quincy Quarry newsroom even though they knew it was coming, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch came back even faster than expected with yet another proposed land buy which will not only take higher tax rate paying commercial property off of the tax rolls, it will for the first time ever also cost the City of Quincy a yet to be determined amount of annual federal grant money tied to supporting the national defense.
The latest land takings grift: take some of the waterfront near the CVS on Southern Artery to primarily provide a City of Quincy-owned and as well as an all but assuredly city-built and then maintained by the city berth for the USS Salem.
In turn, this will allow Fore River-based Cashman Marine to ship this ship out of one of its docks where it has long been taking up valuable space for basically bupkis.
That and so further surely facilitate owner Jay Cashman’s finessing his long-sought grift of establishing a permanent home for Thayer Academy’s rowing program along a commercial waterway where such activities are supposed to be proscribed.
In other words, yet again monkey business as usual by La Kocha Nostra when it comes to take care of local monied interests.
Specifically, Quincy Quarry’s maritime construction experts project that at least $15 million will be needed for site acquisition, dredging, construction of a permanent berth as well as various other sorts of infrastructure needed to provide a new home for the not-for-profit owned USS Salem as well as a permanent one for the Thayer Academy rowing program.
That and who only how much more annually going forward in the way of operating and maintenance expenses.
In turn, as well as all but needless to say, one can thus only reasonably expect that Mayor Koch will soon be resorting to chauvinist and arguably faux calls of patriotism to champion his latest Edifice Complex as well as towards which in a preemptive response Quincy Quarry News can only properly note that such calls for patriotism are the last refuge of scoundrels.
Then again, we are talking the Q during the imperial reign of the Koch Maladministration.
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