— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Public Buildings Department Public Humiliation Works?
Part I of a sure-to-be multiple-part series!
Tired of suffering blight and potholes?
Even more tired of the City of Quincy not taking care of business as well as not willing to contribute to the Koch campaign fund?
A plucky and longtime Quincy Quarry News reader just may have the answer: public humiliation at a City of Quincy public meeting!
Last week during the City Council budget hearing review of the CIty of Quincy’s Public Buildings Department’s Fiscal Year 2022 funding request, the Commissioner of Public Buildings was dope slapped via the presentation of a letter from an abutter over the woeful condition of his department’s office buildings as well as the equally deplorable condition of the street upon which its operations are headquartered.
In turn, the Commissioner got snippy over his being called on the carpet and for which he is well-known for doing when he has been found to be at least culpable, if not also ultimately to blame.

Examples of the ill-repair of the Department of Public Buildings building.
Quincy Quarry News conjoined file photos
At the same time, however, his job is safe as he is a made Kochster.
That and said to be in need of a well-paying and no heavy lifting city job after purportedly being jobbed financially by mayoral bff Dan FlynnFlam.
In any event, count on Quincy Quarry News to beat this story like a rented mule.
After all, we’re talking the Q.
Public Buildings Mission Statement:
The mission of the Public Buildings Department is to keep Quincy’s civic buildings safe, accessible, functional, and inviting for all while ensuring that they reflect Quincy’s historic heritage and civic pride. To this end, we continually maintain and improve Quincy’s existing public buildings and oversee new construction, focusing on providing superior value and energy conservation for our city. Thus we seek to further the mission and goals of the Quincy Public Schools; Public Libraries; Police and Fire departments; Elder Services; Parks and Recreation Department, Department of Public Works; City Administration and all civic departments which use public buildings.
Interesting!!! I look forward to what’s next in the next series!
Do you believe the goal is a new office somewhere else and then rip down that eyesore to build condos?
Jo Ann,
You will be pleased to know that an upcoming related Quincy Quarry story will answer one of your two questions.