— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy City Council Member stops a nine-figure assumed close grift by the Koch Maladministration.
An $821 million in total grift.
In a second and all but unprecedented showing of spinal rectitude by a long mostly invertebrate and so supine as well as compliant City Council in as many months, Quincy’s Ward 3 City Councillor courageously called for a hard stop delay of the council’s consideration of the Koch Administration’s thoroughly koched-up FY 2022 budget proposal.
It was then most entertaining when the Chair of the City Council Finance Committed foundered in his efforts to try to press for moving forward with reviewing the budget even though doing so would put the cart before the horse.
Way before the horse.
That and then trying to thwart the Ward 3 councillor’s undeniable right to put last night’s meeting on hold until another day.
And even more amusing was when that the Ward 6 City Councillor tried to press for going forward anyway and without offering up any acknowledgement whatsoever that the Ward 3’s councillor’s call for a delay was because Koch Administration had koched-up things by its running two weeks late to publicly promulgate its woeful hot mess of an FY 2022 budget proposal.
Accordingly, If needy of some new materials to stream for one’s amusement, be sure to check out last night’s half-hour sitcom of a city council meeting here.
In the meanwhile, the specific reason for the hard stop imposed by the Ward 3 City Councillor is based upon that the mayor’s proposed FY 2022 budget was proposed to be reviewed and then approved while labouring under a future assumed close by the mayor pitch pimps strong-armed pressing for the council’s acceptance of Quincy’s peerless mayor’s proposed related scheme to kick a half a billion-dollar can down the road before this additional grift might be formally heard by the council.
This grift seeks to finesse some not so clever ledger legerdemain so as to provide the mayor with $21 million extra to spend given that the plan includes saving interest expense this year via essentially but a variation on rolling a credit card balance over to a new card which is offering a low to no interest charges for six months promotion.
So what if the mayor’s koch-up plan as proposed is at least a kissing second cousin to a subprime mortgage-backed derivative circs 2006.
That and how the mayor’s grift further proposes to essentially roll over a mortgage with sixteen years to a new thirty-year mortgage.
Granted, the annual nut would so be reduced, albeit it would concurrently also impose a considerable amount of extra interest expense over time on top of as twice as many years of paying an annual nut.
After all, Quincy peerless mayor has a spending jones and thus running up debt is how he feeds his addiction.
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