— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Yet another koched-up Edifice Complex in the Q?
It is now official: the Koch Maladministration rolled out its talking heads to talk up building a brand-new and city-owned home for both City Hall and Quincy College at Monday night’s City Council Finance Committee meeting.
At the same time, there was no mention of a construction cost estimate for the building, much less any discussion whatsoever about the cost of providing parking.
So what if Quincy Quarry’s Real Estate desk was able to quickly discern that the proposed project would run upwards of $175 million – but more likely even more – for land, design, and construction costs.
Then again, what’s another forty to fifty million dollars more to build a parking garage?
Further, there was no addressing of how the plan would entail building new space for Quincy City Hall’s operations at a Quincy Quarry estimated cost of $65 million share of the total projected total cost of $175 million and thus well over three times the cost of redoing the current glass New City Hall.
Granted, what is proposed would provide more space for City Hall operations, it would also come with an additional cost of making more space available for hack hires to take up residence at the public trough as well as at who only knows what cost to already long-suffering local taxpayers.
That and so what if it would still run less than half the proposed cost to enable Mayor Koch’s free-spending ways if an easy peasy to add an annex were built in the back of a redone current City Hall.
Even better, renovating the current City Hall building would make it possible to replace its dated 1970’s architectural glass façade with something more attractive than the current but giant mirror.
In fact, with a little thought, not only could the current City Hall be made over into something that attractively mirrors nearby historic buildings, a similarly toned down and tasteful new building for Quincy College could result in two much less costly buildings that would also complement Quincy Square.
Then again, almost anything would be an improvement for Quincy Square than the latest bombastic as well as an irresponsibly expensive pastiche of banal architectural cliches foisted by Quincy Mayor Tom Koch and which are best viewed as a stumpy as well as an overcompensating phallic symbol.

Generalissimo Il Duce
A Quincy Quarry News FotoFun Team image
On the other hand, when one both suffers from an arguably obvious clinical grade Napoleon Complex as well as is all but assuredly doing all he can to see himself honored by Quincy College with an honorary Associates Degree as he is a Quincy Junior College dropout – well, does any more really need to be explained to Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers?
Granted, not really – not that that will stop Quincy Quarry from continuing to beat both Mayor Koch as well as the rest of the Koch Maladministration like a team of rented mules.
Again and again and again and again, ad infinitum.
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