— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy suffers two more COVID-19 fatalities.
Unclear, however, is did these deaths occur this past week, the week before, or perhaps both as in recent weeks the City of Quincy has opted to only update the local COVID-19 fatality list on Fridays but the city did not issue an update on Good Friday a week and a half ago.
The CIty also did not put out even but a mere basic daily COVID-19 update on Maudy Thursday or on the Monday after Easter, not to mention did not do so on various other days of late.
Covid update graphic for Friday, 4/9/2021. New cases today is 26 Two-week daily new case average is 20.3. One week daily new case average is 17.4. Positivity rate is 3.03%. Active is 186. Total is 8350. Completed Isolation is 7855. Deaths are at 152. Status is Yellow. pic.twitter.com/eHmLarrmSX
— City of Quincy (@CityofQuincy) April 9, 2021
Even so, the City of Quincy Twitter feed did manage to put out an Easter message from Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch on Easter Sunday as well as which can only reasonably be seen as a likely violation of the Establishment Clause.
Then again, respectfulness of others is not exactly something Mayor Koch is known for doing.
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