Boston has begun to crack down on restaurants violating COVID protocols, hauling them into “emergency” hearings. and suspending four in an escalation of enforcement.

News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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A bad day at a hearing …
An old Columbia Pictures image

Boston ramps up its enforcement of COVID-19 pandemic restaurant restrictions.

After a number of Boston restaurants were busted for violating various COVID-19 pandemic emergency restrictions, the City of Boston then took names and numbers at a number of recent emergency licensing board hearings.

Four restaurants were slapped with closing orders for varying numbers of days.

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Drop the mike.  For the love of God, drop the mike
Image via Word Brothel

Additionally, a baker’s dozen of thirteen more were given warnings, including one that was warned over its hosting a karaoke night, something which Quincy Quarry would view as grounds for a permanent closing order.

Source: Boston ramps up coronavirus restaurant enforcement, including 4 suspensions

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