— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

So much for making Quincy pedestrian, disabled, and bicycle-friendly
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Snow Job wrap-up recap.
Given the crush of snow news as well as other breaking badly bad news© this week, Quincy Quarry’s City Editor’s e-image inbox was overwhelmed. In turn, proper consideration and then publication of a Quarry beat reporter’s photographically well-documented coverage of an important local snow job story was thus delayed.
Accordingly, as a result of this oversight, Quincy Quarry News must now downgrade its rating of the Koch Maladministration’s response to the two modest snowstorms over the past five days.

Half-plowed, half-assed —whatever
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
The reason imposing the downgrade, the Koch Machine’s woeful failure to see that often heavily traveled sidewalks along the perimeter of city properties in Quincy Center within normally easy walking distance of the perfectly cleared of snow and well-salted Kim Jong Koch Plaza were not duly cleared.
As locals know, residents have to clear their sidewalks of snow after a storm ordinance; however, it would conversely appear to be a do as I say, not as I selectively do proposition as far as the Koch Maladministration is concerned.
That and so what if this cavalier attitude by city officials to not bother with duly clearing the city’s sidewalks poses all manner of financial liability and safety risks for local taxpayers and pedestrians, respectively.
Then again, local codes are ‘… more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules’ in Kochlandia.
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